Daimon, Devil, Dawn

The Other Sun

The good, the bad and the ugly of music. What is really meant here is […]
September 23, 2024

The good, the bad and the ugly of music. What is really meant here is the awesome, the great and the downright superb THE OTHER SUN’s “Daimon, Devil, Dawn” is a slow burner to be cherished as a truly enigmatic collection of songs. Visions of Clint Eastwood spring to mind when listening, but it is the experimental nature of this album that is the main characteristic of the band. One could liken the substance of the tracks to the softer creations of Les Claypool with a deep southern twang, an overarching feature of every song. Live shows will be very entrancing for audiences. “Shaking Ground” opens up the album as it means to go on. A very slow and progressive track that builds up the energy and the anticipation with a dynamic crescendo that lasts the entire track. Throughout the whole album, the vocals seem to sit just behind the rest of the mix as part of an ambience rather than the main role within the music creating a majestic fusion of tones causing the listener to feel like they are caught in a desert plain with the high sun beating over their head.

No song does this more so than “Black as Gold”. The use of the instrumentation in here is impeccable and acts as the pen to paper of the scene setting. It is this song that we hear the quality of the production, with a huge “roomy” sound that feels like the tracks were recorded in the cave of a resting bear and the soundwave blasting across an open stretch of untouched land. With the rest of the songs putting the listener amongst this imaginary scenery, it is no surprise that “Lion Spell” carries this trend on. However, the attitude changes to one of apprehension and fear. However, we hear the vocals on this track take a more central role here and again, we get that wonderful use of a constant dynamic crescendo on the whole track. Throughout the rest of the album, we get much more of the same; a wonderous knack for songwriting and keeping the listener engaged without changing the type of sound the band has too drastically. That is however, until we reach the final track “A New Dawn”, an instrumental masterpiece that wakes the listener up from their fugue state and chucks them down a much more energetic and up beat track than has been portrayed through the rest of the album. 

Overall, THE OTHER SUN have created a very unique piece of art here and we are expecting the unexpected for their next release. “Daimon, Devil, Dawn” has opened up the world to a fantastic listening experience and we hope for many more releases of the same ilk. 

8 / 10









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"Daimon, Devil, Dawn" Track-listing:
  1. Shaking Ground
  2. Stalking the Stalker
  3. Black as Gold
  4. Lion Spell
  5. Horizon Between the Eyes
  6. Conjuring Other
  7. Pan
  8. A New Dawn
The Other Sun Lineup:

Fredrik Eytzinger - Vocals, Guitar and Bass

Arni Bergur Zoega - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboard

Tommie Eriksson - Session Guitar

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