Goodnight My Children
The Neptune Power Federation

The Neptune Power Federation are an Australian band who's first album “ Mano A Santo” was released in 2013.A further four albums followed some bizarre titles which include “Lucifer's Universe” and “Memoirs Of A Rat Queen”. Their 2021 release “Le Demon De L'amour” had love songs on their mind with a raucous imagination of a bygone era filtered through a lens of band unafraid to blur genres. Three years later the band are back with “ Goodnight My Children” which is inspired by the care free sunset strip of days gone by, a collection of feverish night time stories set to uproarious rock with a pop twist thrown in. The convincing “Imperial Priestless” known as Screaming Loz Sutch on vocals who from the photos and videos looks a bit of a character to say the least. The other band members have weird and wonderful names too!
I have never come across this band before but there are a few good bands and artists emerging from Australia at the moment Wicked Smile, Cassidy Paris to name a few, also established bands including Wolfmother and Airbourne, of course the legends AC/DC! I was expecting good things from “Goodnight My Children” the press release about the new album sounds very promising intriguing to say the least.” Let Us Begin” starts the album with a bang its sleazy ,gritty guitar riffs blended in with some great solos and hooks, which sounds direct from the sunset strip with some great vocals with attitude from Screaming Loz Sutch which works so well.”Lock & Key” has those classic rock riffs, a really good track the layering of the vocals is very clever, sounds really good.”Twas A Lie” is a more pop/rock track with some great melodies and hooks that pull you in ,you cant help but sing along` great track. ”Woe Be Father's Troubled Mind” has like a enchanting themed start then bursts into life a seventies sounding rock track, great guitar work has to be said with a nice deep bass line. ”Berothed To The Serpent” a strange name for a track but very upbeat, capturing that pop/rock vibe. ”Evermore” has that seventies glam rock vibe influence, catchy foot stomping stuff. ”Hariette Mae” is a unique track it's a mixture of all genres classic rock, pop rock and punk. Some fast moments ,some more slow moments of mesmerizing beautiful vocals. ”Goodnight My Children” is a slower track that builds into a great crescendo of guitars, unique soaring vocals Screaming Loz Sutch has a great voice an epic track to end this album, she reminds me of a Lady Gaga, Kate Bush sort of character quirky and eccentric.
I did not what to expect when I was sent this album to review (Thanks Lior!). But I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. Neptune Power Federation have done what they set out to do which was blur different genres together and made eight fantastic tracks and stories into a great album. The musicianship is excellent ,great production, very clever structure and layers to the songs, very refreshing and different. Definitely worth checking out.
7 / 10

"Goodnight My Children" Track-listing:
1. Let Us Begin
2. Lock & Key
3. Twas A Lie
4. Woe To Be Father's Troubled Mind
5. Berothed To The Serpent
6. Evermore
7. Hariette Mae
8.Goodnight My Children
The Neptune Power Federation Lineup:
Screaming Loz Sutch – Vocals
Search & DesTroy – Guitar
Inverted CruciFox – Guitar
Jaytanic Ritual – Bass
River Sticks – Drums
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