The Mighty Nimbus

The Mighty Nimbus

The Mighty Nimbus was created by the inclusion of Sixty Watt Shamen singer Dan Soren […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
February 26, 2005
The Mighty Nimbus - The Mighty Nimbus album cover

The Mighty Nimbus was created by the inclusion of Sixty Watt Shamen singer Dan Soren and guitarist Pete Campbell, the Alabama Thunder Pussy and Avail credited Erik Larson on guitar, former Electric Chair Horror bassist Dinis de Carvalho and ex-Chaos Witch drummer Andy Campbell.
The Mighty Nimbus could be considered a Doom Metal band - with its own style - and every fan of anything Doom needs to check them out. The Mighty Nimbus could be described as an ideal mixture of Saint Vitus, Crowbar, Obsessed, Pentagram, High On Fire, Orange Goblin and even Entombed thrown into an explosive bag filled with TNT.
In the past they have performed tracks of Crowbar, Entombed and in addition they have included a cover of the Saint Vitus track Born Too Late in this debut release of theirs. Thus, it is quite obvious what their influences and style really are, in general!
If you are not so much into Doom Metal then you may feel a bit bored at certain points but this seems to be expected when we're talking about this kind of music. The production is quite good but it could have been more heavy at certain points. There are many heavy and melodic parts here and there with also some bluesy, down-tuned riffs and vocals that make the whole Doom atmosphere come true.
Ok, I will not tear my clothes apart with happiness and exhilaration caused by The Mighty Nimbus since they are not the really huge, next big thing but they play heavy slow music with style and remind me of some glorious band names which have been aforementioned in this review.
Until uncle Whino's next visit together with his church, here is your next mighty doom-astic album!
- Album Highlights: Everything I See, I'll never Weep, Broken Hoof, Drinking On A Pile Of Skulls, Fenrir, Raising The Mammoth, Impose My Will, Sacrament Of The Sick, Eclipse and Born Too Late.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"The Mighty Nimbus" Track-listing:

Everything I See
I'll never Weep
Broken Hoof
Drinking On A Pile Of Skulls
Raising The Mammoth
Impose My WIll
Sacrament Of The Sick
Born Too Late

The Mighty Nimbus Lineup:

Dan Soren - Vocals
Pete Campbell - Guitar
Erik Larson - Guitar
Dinis de Carvalho - Bass
Andy Campbell - Drums

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