Wrapped in White
The Man And The Abyss

From Bandcamp, “THE MAN AND THE ABYSS was formed in Strasbourg (France) on the French German border in 2018 by veteran musicians active in the metal scene for more than fifteen years. The band can be described as post-metal with blackened doom elements. The music includes epic riffing and aggressive vocals meeting progressive and dark atmosphere.” The new album, titled “Wrapped in White,” has four songs. The title track is first, and it eases in slowly with hopeless tones. The song hardens from there however, as some of the despondent sounds give way to angry ones through a renewed resolve. From there, the two competing but complimentary sounds engage in a heated wrestling match.
“Deep Within the Eye” has a desperately slow and heavy sound, and the harsh vocals sound tortured to their very soul. Each strike of drum, riff, and bass, and the nail goes deeper into your coffin. It continues in a way that also makes each passing note feel more and more hopeless, and life more and more grey. “Dissolution of Self” begins with more dangerous feelings, as well as ominous leanings. The main riff has some animation to it, although the overall sound is still very somber. Thick, meaty bass notes compliment the riff and the harsh vocals, and even the clean vocals have a cold bite to them. “The Absence of You” closes the album, and it has a slow build, almost as if each new note is a new problem that you have to face…keep piling it on. Time seems to pass slower and slower, as hours turn to days, then to weeks, then months.
There is just something about the darker side of life that seems worthy to explore, but its hidden doors, passages, and secret rooms are areas that are locked away in your subconscious for reasons. This album beguiles you to open them, and promises no pain, but the warning in your head tells you otherwise, and you had better let sleeping dogs lie.
8 / 10

"Wrapped in White" Track-listing:
1. Wrapped in White
2. Deep Within the Eye
3. Dissolution of Self
4. The Absence of You
The Man And The Abyss Lineup:
Oliver Antoni
Thomas Ketterer
Damien Cividini
Alexandre Ancel
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