The Stronghold

The Lumberjack Feedback

This was a solid album. Instrumentals can be hard to keep the listener’s attention because there are no vocals. But I appreciate the way the band holds a set of weighted accents and just lets the melody peek through every now and again. This kind of restraint allows the more contentious sounds to plow through.
April 16, 2024

THE LUMBERBACK FEEDBACK is a French instrumental post-metal band. Established in 2008, the band comprises talented members from diverse musical backgrounds. Their music is all instrumental, no singer, characterized by heavy, powerful riffs and darkness, with two drummers, and hypnotic atmospheres, creating a unique sonic universe. The album has five songs.

“Kings and Servants” is first. The opening riff is very weighted and hardened, and there is some dissonance in the music as well. Once that bass gets going, he gallops through the song with a steady hand. There are also angled accents, like taking a ride over rough terrain. “Praised the Lord for a Brighter Future” also has a sturdy sound, and in this regard, the instrumental quintet remind me of KARMA TO BURN. It settles into a slower and less sonorous groove, pausing to ponder a bit, where melody come out more. “Failing to Witness his Mighty Work” has more playful and melodious tones at first, but those big accents of the riff hit hard soon. The main melody line rides out like a wave through a storm at sea.

“But All Remember the Place” has a thick and hearty riff that is backed with powerful bass and drums. The skies are shades of black and grey as a thunderstorm approaches, and lets out a furious deluge. The title track closes the album, and it’s nine-minute jam, where the band presses down the gas pedal. There are a few pauses along the way where the sound grows darker and tenser, but the main riff returns, renewed with strength. Overall, this was a solid album. Instrumentals can be hard to keep the listener’s attention because there are no vocals. But I appreciate the way the band holds a set of weighted accents and just lets the melody peek through every now and again. This kind of restraint allows the more contentious sounds to plow through.

7 / 10









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"The Stronghold" Track-listing:

1. Kings and Servants

2. Praised the Lord for a Brighter Future

3. Failing to Witness his Mighty Work

4. But All Remember the Place

5. The Stronghold


The Lumberjack Feedback Lineup:

Sébastien Tarridec – Bass

Nicolas Tarridec – Drums

Geoffrey Gosset – Guitars

Simon Herbaut – Guitars

Virgil Chaize – Drums


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