The Eternal Suffering

This release ended up in my hands after some weird circumstances, but I guess everything […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
December 10, 2008
The Eternal Suffering - APOGNOSIS (EP) album cover

This release ended up in my hands after some weird circumstances, but I guess everything happens for a reason. That was my first thought after I got a taste from THE ETERNAL SUFFERING's latest release. The Athenian metallers really know how to kick some major ass!

The band was born in 2001 and debuted in 2002 with the demo Born Of Chaos. Their first full-length release came in 2005, when the self financed album In Darkness We Shall Reign came out, giving the band amazing reviews worldwide. Three years later, the band returns with a brand new release, the EP APOGNΩSIS. Let's see what we have here...

This EP is really the real deal, since the Athenian Black Metal act carries a heavy Swedish stench on it. Have you listened to DISSECTION's Reinkaos? What if it was a bit more Black Metal and had some DIMMU BORGIR touches here and there? Well yeah, it would definitely be a THE ETERNAL SUFFERING release! I am not kidding, this band blew me away with its incredible heaviness and the amazing guitar work that cuts like a razor! The trio is a really dynamic one, and the four songs that are in this EP prove it for sure. The sound is also really nice adding some extra coldness to the overall result.

Lately I heard some good news. For you who don't know it, THE ETERNAL SUFFERING signed a deal with the Greek I For An I Records and they are preparing their sophomore full-length album. There is no need to say I will be impatiently waiting to lay my hands on it. Well done guys! You prove that Greece has a great tradition with Black Metal bands!

7 / 10


"APOGNOSIS (EP)" Track-listing:

Assail The Creation
In Silence They March
Jaws Of Dark Demise

The Eternal Suffering Lineup:

Aphelian - Vocals, Bass
Ypsailon - Guitar
Assyrion - Drums

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