Deathsteps To Oblivion

The Dead

Straight away in "Deathsteps to Oblivion" THE DEAD's defining shredding bass lines become apparent during […]
By Simone Barton
November 3, 2014
The Dead - Deathsteps To Oblivion album cover

Straight away in "Deathsteps to Oblivion" THE DEAD's defining shredding bass lines become apparent during "Maze of Fire", that of course being after the chorus of demonic chants subside into the harsh and distorted instrumentals that Sludge Metal is known for. These bass lines capture the listener straight away and this continues through the opening song, and displays Adam Keleher's talent.

"Disturbing the Dead" comes next with even more intense and dark sounding instrumentals, the tone only made even heavier by vocalist Mike Yee. With the mix of the Sludge Metal and Death Metal genres it definitely keeps the listener entranced and ready for even more.

Going into the third track, "The God Beyond" the sound of gunfire continues the heaviness of the album, as well the reappearance of the bass and guitar driven instrumentals that help define the album as a THE DEAD album, even if they have pushed some boundaries they hadn't touched before. Even though it's just the harmonized bass and guitar, along with the clash of the drums, for 4 minutes you will still be engulfed in the music, even more so when female humming begins in the background.

"Terminus" begins with a completely different twist with a tribal theme, nevertheless it is still true to the Sludge Metal genre, thanks again to Mike Yee's growls which become dominant throughout the song. The ending, and title, track of the album begins with a slow build up but the grinding guitar skills of Adam Keleher and even more menacing vocals make it worth the wait.

"Deathsteps to Oblivion" is definitely an album that is pushing boundaries but not to the extents that if you enjoyed their previous albums you will be quick to write this one off. From the demonic chants, gunfire, tribal themes and slow build ups this album is definitely for you if you enjoy either Sludge or Death Metal.

7 / 10


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"Deathsteps To Oblivion" Track-listing:

1. Maze of Fire
2. Disturbing the Dead
3. The God Beyond
4. Terminus
5. Deathsteps to Oblivion

The Dead Lineup:

Mike Yee - Vocals
Adam Keleher - Guitar, Bass
Chris Morse - Drums

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