End of Existence

The Browning

I really have no idea where THE BROWNING is from nor who is in their […]
March 19, 2022
The Browning - End of Existence album cover

I really have no idea where THE BROWNING is from nor who is in their line-up, because their EPK did not include any bio information on the band, nor did their webpage or their record label's webpage. I've said it before, including this information helps writers like myself to write a review. Hint to Spinefarm Records. But, the band is pretty big in the Metal world, so we will see how they measure up. "End of Existence" contains twelve tracks.

The title track leads off the album. It begins with electronic sounds in the vocals and instruments, segueing into a pounding electronic riff from there. This is an interesting sound...the heavy electronica combines with a sterile, industrial sound to create a progressive, futuristic leaning, and the heavy vocals are punishing. "Destroyer" is another weighted song mired in electronics as well as some background ambiance. The drums are pounding with the speed of a machine. The breakdown towards the end is supremely brutal. "Anticendency" opens with a weighted riff and some solemn and somewhat sad melodies. "There's a calling, our souls to defend, life devolving, have we reached the end."

"Gott it Tot" is another track heavy with electronics. The band seems to know how to work these sounds within the music very well, because it sounds modern, but also unique. I also get some pop elements here, though not in the traditional sense. "Torment" has a deep, industrial sound, as well as some Alternative elements. You also get that first sense of the Deathcore sound in that intense and lumbering breakdown. "Cataclysm" is a shorter song that doesn't feature that burning intensity. Instead, the steady electronica builds a nice and memorable melody. The heaviness is still there, but melody wins in the battle. "Rage" is even shorter, but with a hefty dose of meaty riffs and angry vocals to go along with the weighted electronic sound. The vocals form a rhythm that is near to rap in its presentation.

"No Man Can Become a God" begins with eerie electronica along with some really strong melodies. Once the vocals enter, the sound is dashed with punishing rhythms, while the melodies come out in the chorus. "Death Warp" features some brutal rhythms along with hateful vocals and an absolutely dreadful sound...both heavy and punishing. "Prophecy" features more electronica but a seasoned sense of melody as well. "Fearless" closes the album. It's a catchy but equally deadly. The combination here just works, so why question it? Clean vocals in the verses give way to harsh vocals in the chorus, counterbalancing the two styles.

Overall, the album is very well put together, with excellent production, and a polished sound that is both deep, heavy and melodic at the same time. The band is adept at a few different styles of Metal, including Progressive, Alternative, Industrial, Electronic, and Deathcore. As I mentioned above, this is my first foray into the band, and although there is very little information, the music stands on its own. The sound is as catchy as it is brutal, and that is something that is hard to accomplish. I can easily imagine this being appreciated by a wide variety of Metalheads.

8 / 10









"End of Existence" Track-listing:

1. End of Existence
2. Destroyer
3. Anticendency
4. Gott is Tot
5. Torment
6. Cataclysm
7. Rage
8. Chaos Reigns
9. No Man Can Become a God
10. Death Warp
11. Prophecy
12. Fearless

The Browning Lineup:


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