Rage in Common

The Blackcloud Syndicate

Birthed from two bands that folded in the late 90's, THE BLACKCLOUD SYNDICATE sell themselves […]
By Jack Webb
May 24, 2015
The Blackcloud Syndicate - Rage in Common album cover

Birthed from two bands that folded in the late 90's, THE BLACKCLOUD SYNDICATE sell themselves as "fast, mean riffs, pounding drums and unique, in-your-face vocals". However, if the first track "Clenched" is anything to go by, this is going to be a begrudging listen. So strap in everyone, its gonna be a bumpy ride.

Whilst these "fast, mean riffs" are indeed fast and mean, they are something that a teenager who has discovered power chords develops in his first bedroom sessions. With a yawn escaping each listener, we are then treated to the most underwhelming beatdown this side of a band who baths in guyliner and reeks of puberty. The vocalist attempts his best Chuck Billy impression but alas it feels faked and the less said about the Tom Araya impression the better.

It is easy to tell when a band is aiming for a rough, Black Metal esque production. How you ask? Because it actually fits the music, it gives it a deeper meaning. But if you are deploying Thrash Metal you need pinpoint production, not the basement show feel that tracks like "Fault Lines" give off. And with a solo which manages to be too simplistic and also too cluttered at once, the stop button has never looked so appealing.

"Party T(h)rash" so to speak is often a well done genre. Balancing humour with good musicianship it is an easy listen that flick that little stupid switch inside us all. With bands such as MUNICIPAL WASTE and PSYCHOSTICK using this formula so well, this album just feels like more of a slap in the face. If you needed any final proof of what this album is, the cover of "Rebel Yell" is the final nail in the coffin.

Mashing industrial style vocals, gang shouts and "Your first guitar book" riffs, it is nothing more than insulting.

1 / 10

Run Away!!!

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"Rage in Common" Track-listing:

1. Clenched
2. Fault Lines
3. Vice Grips
4. Protest the Riot
5. Gift of Design
6. Rebel Yell

The Blackcloud Syndicate Lineup:

Giuseppe D'Angelo - Guitar
Glenn Novak - Drums
Graham Scott Anthony - Guitar
Miko Zolefrapanidis - Vocals
Shawn Davidson - Bass

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