The Heart and the Thrill

The Battery Electric

Now that I think about it, the very first Rock genre I ever heard was […]
By MarcusTheRocker
March 18, 2015
The Battery Electric - The Heart and the Thrill album cover

Now that I think about it, the very first Rock genre I ever heard was Punk, and that, you could say, started my wonderful journey into the wide world of Rock and Metal music. Since joining this site, I have heard bands that have a sound that, in my opinion, have a Punk style sound with a couple of them being underground Rock bands from Britain. The reason I am bringing this all up is because the band I am reviewing today, are influenced by Punk, amongst a few other genres, so I am here to find out if that is true or not.

The band who I am reviewing today are called THE BATTERY ELECTRIC, and they are a trio from Asbury Park, NJ, meaning they are an American band, which just so happens to be the nationality of the band that got me into Rock music, but that's for another time if I feel like it. The album featured in this review is the new release from THE BATTERY ELECTRIC and it is titled "The Heart and the Thrill". Formed in the summer of 2012, this three-piece band signed to Little Dickman Records to release their debut album "Weaving Spiders" in 2013, which won the Asbury Park Music Awards "Album of the Year" the same year, and now they are back with their newest album, which is entitled "The Heart and the Thrill".

Time now to talk about the album itself, and upon first listens, the music reminds me of those British underground Rock bands I have heard and reviewed, as well as the Punk bands I listen to from time to time, so the Punk influence is definitely there but does it transition into good or bad music? The answer to that is the former, as I have a few good things to say about this release.

I'll start with the style and the sound, which sounds very dirty, just like an underground Rock band. There are a few elements which have an obvious Punk influence in them, such as some of the guitar and vocal melodies, which seem to complement each other very nicely, as the dirty sounding guitars are there to accompany the underground Rock/Punk style vocals, with the performance being very good, as it's nice and clean, not too soft, not too heavy. The singer doesn't push his voice to the brink of making it sound atrocious, meaning that overall, it's just right.

Any problems or faults with the album? Not really any that put me off, but I will say that there are a couple of moments where the vocals seem a bit quiet, making it hard to hear the words in a few places, as sometimes the guitars overpower the vocals. But it's only a small problem which isn't present all that often, as the majority of the songs on this record have a good balance of volume and quality between all the instruments, so it's not too much of an issue to worry about.

Bottom line time and the verdict is a good one, as I quite enjoyed listening to this album, as THE BATTERY ELECTRIC's sound does indeed remind me of those underground Rock and Punk bands that I listen to from time to time and the style used seems to suit their music very nicely. I recommend this if you like underground Rock sounding music, or if you are an avid fan of Punk music.<

8 / 10


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"The Heart and the Thrill" Track-listing:

1. Heathen
2. Lauren
3. Hungry
4. Tight Lip
5. Ovulator
6. Key Party
7. Almighty Deceiver
8. Get Me Outta Here
9. Dead Man's Trunk
10. Crown Royal
11. Snowed In
12. Does He Love You?
13. Darkest Days
14. The Heart and the Thrill

The Battery Electric Lineup:

Ron Santee - Vocals and Drums
Brent Ovar Bergholm - Guitars
Alex Rosen - Bass

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