A Glorified Piece Of Blue Sky
The Atlas Moth
October 25, 2009

With their weird name and a Greek member in their ranks, THE ATLAS MOTH attracted my attention and kind of drew my interest before I even listen to their new album, A Glorified Piece Of Blue Sky. This album also happens to be their debut full-length release, since the only thing the band had released before this was an EP in 2008 (Pray For Tides, Witch Trial Records).
The boys have grown up in Chicago, so adopting their bluesy roots was no surprise for me. The fact is, it gets even better since THE ATLAS MOTH blend this bluesy pentatonic virus with a chaotic doomy Sludge sound and throw it all in a psychedelic void, just to end up holding their newborn baby, A Glorified Piece Of Blue Sky. Heavy distorted sounds attack you from every corner, bestial vocals knock you out while trippy voices come to replace them and take your unconscious body on an intergalactic trip. These guys are dead serious about what they're doing and this has helped them share the stage with acts like COALESCE, NACHTMYSTIUM, YAKUZA, INTRONAUT, WOLVES IN THE THRONEROOM and many more.
I guess that their new deal with Candlelight Records and their undeniable talent will help these youngster get out there and show what they are made of. Great debut from a band that will probably offer even better stuff in the near future.
8 / 10
"A Glorified Piece Of Blue Sky" Track-listing:
A Night In Venus' Arms...
A Glorified Piece Of Blue-Sky
Grey Wolves
Our Sun, Our Saviour
Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence
One Amongst The Wheat Fields
Jump Room To Orion
...Leads To A Lifetime On Mercury
The Atlas Moth Lineup:
Alex - Bass, Backing Vocals
Andrew - Synths, Guitar, Backing Vocals
Anthony - Drums
David - Guitar, Vocals
Stavros - Guitar, Vocals
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