Distortions from Cosmogony
The Arcane Order

From Bandcamp, "THE ARCANE ORDER is a band from Denmark that delivers as a hard-hitting unit that has been refined through talented members and collaborations with a host of class acts." The album has ten songs, and "Intro" is the short opener, leading to "Cry of Olympus." The sound out of the gate is thick, fast, and aggressive. The vocals vary from deep gutturals to screams, and the music lies somewhere between Black Metal, Thrash Metal, and Melodeath, with an air of ominous elements that hang in the background.
"A Blinding Trust in Chosen Kings" has a very similar pace, but a slightly different sound. Melody flows in the guitars, and it's a tempered sweetness that is sublime, but the heavy aggression continues. Then, the grey clouds part, letting in some clean vocals and melodies that are quite charming. "Starvations for Elysium" is another deadly snake bite, and the aggression continues. The sound stays pretty linear throughout. "Favors for Significance" presents a little variation in sound and pace. It's a good thing too, because too many more of these burners could drive your head into the dirt. The song stays in dark shadows for the most part, waiting to strike.
"Empedocles' Dream" is a short number that pushes melody and high, and what a glorious sound it is. "The First Deceiver" goes the other direction, with a speedy song that lights a fire and never looks back. There are some melodies here, but they are mostly hidden, in favor of a more aggressive sound. "Ideals of Wretched Kingdoms" begins with a darker and slower sound, reveling in the shadows. From there, it's delicately balanced between heavy, ardent tones, and some moments of melody. That mid-section is a thing of kingly beauty. "Children of Erebos" is a shorter blast of heavy aggression with some really nifty guitar shifts and blast beat drums in tow. One thing that they band can do well is these tight passages that you couldn't squeeze a dime through.
"Wings of Duality" closes the album. It's a very weighted and contentious closer. It's almost as if the band waited for the final song to unleash all of its fury. But there are also some very pretty melodies. Overall, this was a solid listening experience. The band has the heavy side of things down very well and are excellent musicians. A little more melody, however, would have kept things interesting and more contrasting.
7 / 10

"Distortions from Cosmogony" Track-listing:
1. Intro
2. Cry of Olympus
3. A Blinding Trust in Chosen Kings
4. Starvations for Elysium
5. Favors for Significance
6. Empedocles' Dream
7. The First Deceiver
8. Ideals of Wretched Kingdoms
9. Children of Erebos
10. Wings of Duality
The Arcane Order Lineup:
Kim Song Sternkopf - Vocals
Flemming C Lund - Guitar
Kasper Kirkegaard - Guitar
Anders Frodo S. Mikkelsen - Bass
Bastian Thusgaard - Drums
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