Unleash The Butterflies
May 4, 2015

TEZAURA is female fronted Neo-Gothic rock / Metal band from Brno in Czech Republic. The band was formed in 2010 and released EP "Daydreaming" in spring 2011. New album "Unleash the Butterflies" finally saw the light of the world in September 2013 and it will be released on 22 June 2015 via Crysella Records.
Modern sounding opening titled track "Unleash the Butterflies" with heavier riffs and gentle piano in the background sounds fantastic. What a perfect mix - stronger riffs, gentle piano & massive climate with lovely refrain and true beauty! I love especially song "Shattered Memories" with impressive keys which together with stronger melody guitars sounds totally amazing! Very energetic track and catchy chorus dig in listener's mind for a long time. The glistening and eternal voice of Lori is gorgeous. Nice keys and higher building refrain with modern sounds in AMARANTHE style is in "Run Kitty Run". Here is fantastic clear female vocal in opera style & even male voice. Totally wonderful track!
Female vocalist Lori has a fantastic voice, she connecting very well power with calm and mysterious. Her clean voice perfectly fix to music which play band. She is totally brilliant! I love her voice. Single track "Mechanical Ballerina" has beautiful piano with stronger riffs. Wonderful sounds, mysterious keyboards - everything is perfectly worked, EVANESCENCE influences a little is hearable, but band has their own style. This track is catchy as hell!
Nice keys which makes magical climate together with heavier guitars are in "Shadow's Love". Gentle piano together with beautiful singing sounds just awesome! Refrain is very memorable. I love this track so much, also here is a great guitar solo. Gentle piano opening "And There Were Angels" and wonderful catchy chorus with amazing singing. What a great guitar solo! Also are hearable influences of Gothic rock (for example band ARTROSIS).Electronic sounds, even in RAMMSTEIN style are in "Heavenhell" with melodic singing and heavier riffs.
Worth are listen are also: "Deir ezZor" with heavier lower riffs, oriental influences and choir in the chorus, "Across the Void" in heavier style with fantastic duo vocal by female and male in chorus, modern keys & clear rhythmic section and "Have to Go" where modern sounds with stronger riffs mix with brilliant singing and Gothic influences with really nice key solo.
I love this album of TEZAURA. Inside is melody which is just pouring out this CD. With its new album they show their class on Gothic Metal market. Production of album is on a high level, inside is power, energy and many wonderful melodies! Their music shows experience of musicians in Gothic Metal with modern echoes. Highly recommended to every fan of female fronted Metal band. I couldn't stop listening these beautiful songs because they are so catchy with heaviness too. This new album of metallers from Czech Republic is total perfect! All in all - Masterpiece!
10 / 10

"Unleash The Butterflies" Track-listing:
1. Unleash the Butterflies
2. Mechanical Ballerina
3. Shattered Memories
4. Shadow's Love
5. Run Kitty Run
6. Have to Go
7. Deir ezZor
8. Across the Void
9. And There Were Angels
10. Heavenhell
Tezaura Lineup:
Lori - Vocals
Filip - Synths
Nemo - Guitar
Mara - Bass
David - Drums
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