Natural Born Cereal Killers
Texas Cornflake Massacre
March 26, 2015

TEXAS CORNFLAKE MASSACRE, upon first hearing the name I thought; well here's another mindless death metal band who don't take themselves seriously. But alas I took a listen, and my first impression based on their name could not have been further from the truth. NO, these guys have a serious melodic / heavy sound that I took an instant liking to.
"Natural Born Cereal Killers", as an album is excellent. The sound is smooth, dark, melodic, and HEAVY!!! It's obvious that the guys have a sense of humor, which is a good thing. It's also refreshing that they aren't just mindless brutality. The vocals are mainly harsh with a unique clean vocal mixed in here and there as needed. The guitars scream, and keep a dark melodic tone for the most part. There are parts where they hit that brutality, and the transitions are smooth as hell.
The drums are pretty intense, not so much with blast beats, but steady hard jamming with double bass. If you take a look at their facebook, you'll find a bunch of fellows dressed like goofy looking rednecks, with their plaid shirts and furry hats. They consider themselves to be Melodic Deathcore, but I can hear well versed hints of various genres. Honestly I've never been a big fan of anything considered "Core", but these guys are one of the few that I can get into.
Throughout my listening to the cd, I noticed that they stay true to their sound without getting repetitive and boring. Good!! Fuck Boring. Nah, these guys will keep the head banging, as well as keep you interested in what will come next. Certainly a band that I would want to check out live.
The opening track "We Are So Atrophic" was the real attention grabber. The clean vocals are perfectly placed in the melodic chaos echoing the line "becoming faithless", which strikes a cord inside of me, but we won't go into details about my regression of faith.
Anyway, I think anyone who likes the heavier melodic genres would get into these guys, especially for those with a sense of humor who can appreciate the band's sense of humor.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Natural Born Cereal Killers" Track-listing:
1. We are so Atrophic
2. Under the Red Surface
3. Give Them Water Guns
4. The Last Bullet
5. Resemble the Sky
6. The (Un) Perfect Marvel
7. Sleep Paralysis
8. Exit to the Roots
Texas Cornflake Massacre Lineup:
Sebastian - Vocals
Michael - Guitars
Mike - Bass
Michal - Guitars
Stefan - Drums
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