Live At Eindhoven '87


Even though I recently checked about news regarding TESTAMENT since I am a die-hard fan, […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
June 22, 2009
Testament - Live At Eindhoven '87 album cover

Even though I recently checked about news regarding TESTAMENT since I am a die-hard fan, I must admit that this live album is something I was unaware of. And what made the biggest impression on me was that it is being released through Prosthetic Records. But then I remembered that the US label has started re-releasing stuff from the California thrashers.

Since we are talking about TESTAMENT there is honestly no need in getting into bio stuff. I strongly believe that whoever is unaware of this band should reconsider his place in the Metal world. Anyway, Prosthetic recently started reissuing albums like Demonic, The Gathering and First Strike Still Deadly and finally decided to release this '87 performance of TESTAMENT that features the original line up and the appearance at a huge festival like Dynamo Open Air!

The setlist is really strong, the band pretty energetic (although I guess that this is not one of their best performances ever) and the sound way better than the Live At Eindhoven EP released back in 1987, since this is a remastered version. What I can't understand is why release this live album now? Even though I fucking love TESTAMENT I believe that this release has no actual reason to be out there. During the last years numerous live CD's and DVD's have been released by the band and this is just one more being added to the huge pile. Live In London which was released in 2005 for example is way better than this.

It is an old live performance, it is full of passion and sweat and the honesty of that time, but today it is nothing more than one more live release. I don't know why TESTAMENT have fallen into this releasing frenzy mode, but I guess that not even all the die hard fans will be tempted by this album. I wouldn't spend my money on it...

7 / 10


"Live At Eindhoven '87" Track-listing:

Disciples Of The Watch
The Haunting
Apocalyptic City
First Strike Is Deadly
Burnt Offerings
Alex Skolnick Guitar Solo
Over The Wall
Do Or Die
Curse Of The Legion Of Death (C.O.T.L.O.D.)
Reign Of Terror

Testament Lineup:

Chuck Billy - Vocals
Eric Peterson - Guitar
Alex Skolnick - Guitar
Greg Christian - Bass
Louie Clemente - Drums

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