Forever More


Can TESLA Still rock the house? In a way, yes, they can. Simply mistaken as […]
By Grigoris Chronis
November 4, 2008
Tesla - Forever More album cover

Can TESLA Still rock the house? In a way, yes, they can. Simply mistaken as another 'hair' Metal act - even on their heyday - it's bands like TESLA that provide American Rock with a stirring weapon against 'boulevard parties' criticisms. Forever More is not - in my ears - an amazing album; still, the worx of TESLA all these years and their honest rockin' attitude surely comes out on top. Forever (and ever) more.
Forever More is the 7th studio album by these Sacramento-based prolific drifters. Four years after the Into The Now predecessor (last year's Real To Reel CD was a 'covers' compilation), TESLA welcomes a new member in the name of Dave Rude. The rest of the lineup - essential to be written - is the same for these whole 20+ years of career. Terry Thomas - producer for 1994's Bust A Nut - sat again behind the console, while the same engineer as in Into The Now (Michael Rosen) handled duties for the new CD.
Forever More sneaks out rather outta nowhere; while TESLA was filming/editing their brand new Comin' Athcha Live! DVD - in the middle of touring the States - they also laid down tracks for a new album. Woa, some really hard work over here! We're riding a wave of energy that doesn't come easy for a band of rookies much less a band whose been doing this for over 20 years - and we wouldn't have it any other way, adds the band. Is this obvious in Forever More? Yeap, it generally is.
The new album - dig the songs or not - possesses an overflowing energy and appetite for rocking hard. It'd be a little one-dimensional to pre-judge for a 'main' specific sub-sound dominance (hard, vintage, new, mainstream or whatever else). It probably is the most diverse TESLA album to-date. Without founding member Tommy Skeotch for the first time, the denim-blues-hardrockin' gang of TESLA wears some more 'new fashion' face and presents an album you surely have to spend enough time with, since if you stick to the first couple of auditions you'll possibly come up with an off-beam verdict.
(Not to repeat it every single time, let's generally pre-say the guitars work is immense everyehere in the CD. Fans of TESLA's work know what we're referring to.)
Forever More bursts out as needed so as to say ah, that's TESLA!. Moody groove, with Jeff's astonishing esoteric vocals and a 'declaration' refrain you won't deny. I Wanna Live rocks off, bearing a semi-new Rock attitude, but always feturing the TESLA trademarks and - of course - Keith's do-it-like-Steven-Tyler throat signals. One Day At A Time speeds things even more but did not bring some frenzy reaction, even in a AC/DC-friendly mode. So What! brought to mind heavy Punk Rock stuff as played by bands I generally hate today, haha! In TESLA's hands such songs get some credit, though.
Vibes change somehow with the presence of Just In Case; a power ballad in the 80s TESLA likes with a - nonetheless - striking refrain and some enchanting Jeff Keith throat! Fallin' Apart carries a relevant smell; you won't escape the 80s here, haha! Breakin' Free reminds me of some 'sceptic' AEROSMITH, transcribed in a more modern groovy formula, with intriguing lead/back-up vocals in the chorus. All Of Me is fast-paced and breathes some 'punk' Rock breeze filtered in the THERAPY/G'N'R plant.
It's The First Time that brings back the 'old' TESLA days; a great melody and some majestic guitar leads will hunt you. PVT. Ledbetter, again, speaks in your heart, with a 'ballad' feel TESLA owns for years. Maybe the most sentimental track off the whole album. In A Hole Again bears a 'moody' Rock/Metal vibe I don't like, similar to new METALLICA or SYSTEWM OF A DOWN or dontknowwhatotherband. Wrapping the album, The Game is the most 'Metal' track and - eventually - brings on a more rockin' atmosphere - including semi-distorted vocas - after a series of more low-temper stuff.
Forever More is 70% 'current' and 30% 'old' in Hard Rock likes. Still, it's - most of all - notable and TESLA-treated. I thing gradually listening to the album will benefit an even higher opinion. TESLA's esteem is no-doubt and provided you have not stuck just to three first albums you'll have a nice (or great) time around with this CD.

7 / 10


"Forever More" Track-listing:

Forever More
I Wanna Live
One Day At A Time
So What!
Just In Case
Fallin' Apart
Breakin' Free
All Of Me
The First Time
PVT. Ledbetter
In A Hole Again
The Game

Tesla Lineup:

Jeff Keith - Vocals
Frank Hannon - Guitar
Brian Wheat - Bass
Troy Luccketta - Drums
Dave Rude - Guitar

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