Channeling The Quintessence Of Death - DEMO


Death Metal from the sunny city of Barcelona. Damn, I had a picture of Barcelona […]
By Michael Dalakos
March 20, 2006
Terrorspawn - Channeling The Quintessence Of Death - DEMO album cover

Death Metal from the sunny city of Barcelona. Damn, I had a picture of Barcelona in my mind, a city full of cool people and definitely no death metallers. Why is that? Can't really explain it - I guess it has something to do with me getting old and hearing all the time about the erection problems our chief editor has [Chief Editor: I recently tried out a Samoan recipe featuring 2 bananas, a coconut and a poodle - no results yet]. Well enough with the bitching...
The band was formed back in 2003 by Bastard after his departure from The Sleeping Sun. In a period of two years he slowly built a home studio and recorded, mixed and mastered this four track Demo. He was assisted by Psychomoon (the first vocalist of The Sleeping Sun) and Vic on the drum programming. Let's also mention that Bastard is also involved (according to the biography sheet) in another dozen of projects.
I found this four-track Demo really interesting. First of all, for a home made CD (and reading constantly about the lousy equipment the mastermind had to use) I can say that it has a fucking heavy production, even better than lots of productions from signed bands and official releases. Bastard knows his instruments really well. The drum programming is indeed a problem since the personal touch a drummer can add to an album is absent here.
On the other hand Terrorspawn deliver a really dynamite package with very heavy songs, raw but technical whenever that's necessary. My suggestion to them is to drop the keyboards - they sound definitely out of place here. But where the band hit the jackpot is in their last track, a Doom, funeral like hymn I found totally opposite to the rest of the songs but extremely cool as a composition.
I will definitely be waiting for their next release, within 2006, titled Hatework.

"Channeling The Quintessence Of Death - DEMO" Track-listing:

We Shall Pray
Solitude... In Darkness
In The Name Of Death
Silence Is You Only Saviour

Terrorspawn Lineup:

Bastard - Guitars, Bass & Keyboards
Psychomoon - Vocals
Vic - Drum Programming

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