Darker Days Ahead


Terrorizer was formed back in 1986 in Los Angeles where they mostly played backyard gigs. […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
September 8, 2006
Terrorizer - Darker Days Ahead album cover

Terrorizer was formed back in 1986 in Los Angeles where they mostly played backyard gigs. There are many people who could definitely consider them as the founders and originators of the grindcore genre. Terrorizer was one of the first bands who manage to create an evil sonic mode, that some call the cross-over music. Anyway, after this intro the only word that can describe this album is pure hell!
Pure hell, filled with aggression and not even giving a chance to the listener to pause and rest for a while. This is definitely pure extreme heavy metal and if you do not like tough shit stay away for sure! This is of course the second album after their total devastating first album World Downfall and they manage to hold the stake high for one more time.
Their distinctive sound comprising mostly by a well blended mix of punk and metal through a grinder and out of this world blast beats is here. Brutality is the A ans Z here! The lyrics are aggressive and affront the current status quo, deal with the dead plus many more interesting and juicy things. The sound of the bass is truly distorted in a true Terrorizer coming straight from the guts of hell. The rhythm section is more concrete than concrete itself, and the vocals suffocate from wrath and power, as Anthony Rezhawk spits the words to us. The guitar works build a wall that no true headbanger can escape. In fact it is really hard to listen to this album and not start to headbang or move your toe rhythmically up and down.
If you are into bone-crushing music or mind-expanding ideas, then this album definitely appeals to ya! Darker Days Ahead demonstrates intensity and lyrical depth. The forces of technologically advanced global environmental destruction, human and animal enslavement, and the concentration of power in the bloody hands of certain people all threaten to darken the days ahead.
It is also inevitable to make some sonic comparisons with the true gods of extreme death metal Morbid Angel, since their one million handed drummer Pete Sandoval participates here. Since all of the band's member have written their history in heavy metal, someone could say that this is probably an extreme kind of all star band. Needless to say that every thrasher or grind corer or generally open minded heavy metaller will almost inevitably love this album since it contains all the necessary elements of our beloved music. I guess this will be one of the best of for the thrash - crossover music in 2006!
There are no specific highlights of this album since all the songs are fast and furious. In fact in the 39 minutes and 22 seconds of Darker Days Ahead you will find all the intensity and aggression you so desperately looking for in the modern heavy metal world. Dig in with no fear! The time has come to break the chains...The time has come, no time to waste...

8 / 10


"Darker Days Ahead" Track-listing:

Darker Days Ahead
Doomed Forever
Blind Army
Legacy of Brutality
Dead Shall Rise 06
Victim of Greed
Ghost Train

Terrorizer Lineup:

Pete Sandoval - Drums
Jesse Pintado - Guitar
Anthony Rezhawk - Vocals
Tony Norman - Bass & Guitar

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