The Empire Strikes Black

Terror Empire

It's been long since I have listened to a Technical Thrash album with impressive innovations […]
By V.Srikar
February 12, 2015
Terror Empire - The Empire Strikes Black album cover

It's been long since I have listened to a Technical Thrash album with impressive innovations and not being called Progressive. Everything about TERROR EMPIRE gives multiple eargasms, and is nothing short of face melting and in-your-face Thrash Metal.

"The Empire Strikes Black" starts off with an tempo-building instrumental title track in "The Empire Strikes", and gives a glimpse to the listener of what the band sounds like and is capable of (though the song ends abruptly). The album ups the tempo and continues in a similar fashion. The drum beats are unusually louder than the usual Thrash album and sound like a train without a break piercing through your head, wonderful power and sound generated by Joao Dourade. The guitar work by Sergio Alves and Rui Alexandre are impeccable as they bring in insanely technical and complicated riffs. Songs like "Skinned Alive" and "Good Friends Make the Best Enemies" are the catchier ones than others, with their easy lyrics and sing along vocals by Ricardo Martins. In fact I would even go on to say that "Skinned Alive" is my favourite song in the album as it's so hummable and has got the best riffs on offer here in the whole of the album. Ricardo brings in insanely screaming vocals and are a treat to any Thrash Metal connoisseur.

The insane riffs in "Route Of The Damned" fall on the ears like heavy hammer immediately after the intense intro with some voice giving a short political speech. The axe men show their sweeping skills in "Man Made Of Sand", something not often heard in modern day Thrash albums. "Reality Check" is another instrumental in the middle of the album clocking just 1:32 min, which I feel is more of a waste of space in the album as it doesn't bring anything new to the table. The album ends with an almost Death Metal style song in "Break The Cycle", and is another impressive track with its groovy riffs.

The music here is largely influenced by modern Death Metal bands, but has the topping of impressive Thrash Metal style growling vocals. This debut album by these Portuguese Thrashers is full of headbanging riffs and air-guitar friendly solos, with all the instruments trying to overdo each other in the sound, and push the boundaries of modern Thrash Metal. Pick "The Empire Strikes Black" for some fresh air of Thrash Metal dated 2015.<

8 / 10


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"The Empire Strikes Black" Track-listing:

1. The Empire Strikes
2. Black
3. Servant
4. Skinned Alive
5. Revolution Now
6. Route Of The Damned
7. Man Made Of Sand
8. Reality Check
9. Protective Wolves
10. Strings Of Rebellion
11. Good Friends Make the Best Enemies
12. Break The Cycle

Terror Empire Lineup:

Rui Puga - Bass
Sergio Alves - Lead Guitars
Rui Alexandre - Rhythm Guitars
Ricardo Martins - Vocals
Joao Dourado - Drums

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