March 6, 2015

TERRANA is a trio that is rooted in the sounds of the 1970's. These guys are real, as in no pro tools, no drum samples, and no auto tuning. They want you to experience the same sounds, regardless of if it's live or recorded. It is just pure live Rock'n'Roll with a positive message. The band is new, only being formed in the summer of 2013. However, the members of this band are far from new. The creator Mike Terrana is best known for his part in bands like TARJA TURUNEN, MASTERPLAN, RAGE, GAMMA RAY, etc. "Fabri Kiarelli is a versatile and powerful singer and a great guitar player. Alberto Bollati is an amazing bass player with great feel and also has a excellent voice". (TERRANA)
These guys are here with their debut full-length album "Terrana". This album comes in with 12 pure Rock'n'Roll tracks with a listening time of around 49 minutes. It doesn't take much for nostalgia to take over once this album is put on play. This is the stuff I grew up with. You can hear and feel the old school pouring out of this album from beginning to end. The band is "powerful, yet still able to retain the melodic qualities in terms of lead vocal lines, harmonies and guitar riffs & solos"(TERRANA). Couldn't have said it better myself. There are gorgeous solos scattered throughout, there is plenty of melody for those who enjoy it, and the guitar riffs are incredible. Everything that makes your Classic Rock radio station exist is tethered into "Terrana".
The heavier tracks like "Around the World", "Mississippi Queen" (remake, original by MOUNTAIN) and "Liquid Dynamite", are possibly my favorite tracks because they show just how heavy they can get. The bass is more prominent in both tracks, which being a lover of the bass, really appealed to me.
Then you have the party tracks "Hell on Heels" and "Shake Me". These are the ones with a bit of dirty undertones to party hard with. The riffs complete the sound on each of these tracks. It keeps the movement flowing. Of course, there is the one slow track, "It's Over Now", that pulls at the heartstrings. It is low key and acoustic, keeping the raw sound of sadness.
These guys have a range of musical abilities that are clearly stated in this album. They can do it all so well. The vocals are intense and reaching. They have power to them that is hard to find in some singers. The bass is great, and I love how they incorporate it within their music. Everything works so nicely. The album is prefect for and will appeal to almost any metal head that agrees that new Metal came from a growth from this sound.<
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Terrana" Track-listing:
1. Hang Tough
2. Liquid Dynamite
3. Hold On
4. Let it all Go
5. It's Over Now
6. Hell on High Heels
7. Around the World
8. Show Down
9. Mississippi Queen
10. One Way
11. Shake Me
12. Ridin' the Rails
Terrana Lineup:
Fabri Kiarelli - Guitar, Vocals
Alberto Bollati - Bass, Vocals
Mike Terrana - Drum
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