DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR
Tellus Terror

The life of a man is the main theme of lyrics in Metal, and even outside of it. If one take a sociological/pedagogic point of view, everything is focused on mankind and its conflicts, and even with every single human being and the inner struggles (a thing that everyone has, and there’s no need on denying such fact). But to be explicit, yet elegant and refined, is a trial that is hard to overcome. But for the Brazilian sextet TELLUS TERROR, from Niterói (RJ), difficulties seem to be its inner fuel. And after 10 years since “EZ Life DV8”, here are them back with “DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR”, their second full-length.
This time, the sextet worked on a more and calm way for the recordings. All (recording, mixing, mastering and everything else) was done at Tellus Studios (the band’s QG at their hometown, Niterói, that’s had other bands recording there, as GRAVE DESECRATOR, MALVINA, GANGRENA GASOSA and others), with Caio Mendonça (former guitarist of LAC and EREBOROS, and who worked with FORCEPS, LAC, EREBOROS, GRAVE DESECRATOR and SLOWPHOBIA) producing and taking care of mixing and mastering. The result is a solid, massive and thunderous sonority that fits on what the band plays, but always using defined and excellent instrumental tunes. As guest, here is Bertha Maria Marzall on the additional female voices on “Brain Technology, Pt.2 (...and Humanity Have Feelings No More...)” and “Lone Sky Universum”. And the artwork of the album is another fine piece created by the Greek artist Seth Siro Anton, the same one who did the artwork of “EZ Life DV8”, here using a more simple set of colors.
There are differences in the musical work of the band. On “EZ Life DV8”, the band used an ample set of influences, covering a vast range of Metal genres; on this album, the band brings a more Symphonic Black/Death Metal approach. But paying attention, one can detect the same influences of the past in many points, as the melodic care is still clear (pay attention to the leads and chords arrangements on “Sickroom Bed” as an example), some accessible hooks are heard in many parts (an inheritance of Hard Rock and traditional Heavy Metal), and more. Maybe it’s a consequence of the coming of the new members (the guitarist Leandro plays on UNNATURE, the bassist Marcelo plays with UNLIVER and SOMAGNET, and passed by acts as played with IMAGO MORTIS and METALMORPHOSE, and the drummer Rafael is widely known for his playing with ÂNSIA DE VÔMITO, UNEARTHLY and others). It’s different from their previous album, but’s rich in symphonic arrangements, darkly melodic and intense, and (why not?) even darkened erotic. It’s a different facet of its own music, but’s excellent as well.
To have a deeper comprehension of what “DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR” is about, one single hearing isn’t enough for a deeper understanding (but’s enough to fall in love with it). And the lyrics are expressing the phases in the life of people, in an analysis that demands time. But it’s homework for the listeners. “Amborella’s Child” opens the album with very good tempos shifts and an excellent technical care (the combination of guitars, keyboards and pianos is really excellent). On “Absolute Zero”, the band follows a way similar to older forms of Symphonic Black Metal, with a simple approach, but enabling many melodic hooks to arise (and the contrasts between grunts and shrieks was used in a great way). The same happens again on “Darkest Rubicon”, with prevalence of excellent orchestrations from the keyboards.
Using a different appeal on Black/Death Metal, “Psyclone Darxide” a simple outfit adorned with fine rhythmic work (bass guitar and drums are truly excellent on this one), as “Cry Me a River” brings a more intricate technical work on the instrumental sheath (again, fine guitar arrangements can be heard). And as a return to the simplicity shown on some previous songs, “Shattered Murano Heart” is full of darkened melodic hooks (and some different elements can be heard on the mix of influences). “Abyssphere” uses a Symphonic Death/Black Metal appeal, with very good slow tempo moments and a heavy crushing weight (and some classic Melodic Black Metal traces can be heard). And even with the new musical outfit of the band, “Brain Technology, Pt.2 (...and Humanity Have Feelings No More...)” establishes a link between the past and the present of their music (with fine contrasts between screams and shrieks with female tender voices. And “Sickroom Bed” brings again many different influences into their musical work, with refined arrangements both on guitars as on the keyboards.
On “DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR” the sextet shows its embrace to the actual Symphonic Death/Black Metal models, but using a more personal approach (pay attention to the simple, yet solid, rhythmic work of bass guitar and drums). A bit more melancholic sounds “Lone Sky Universum”, so it’s not s sin to say that some Doom/Gothic Metal traces can be heard (especially on some clean vocals), and again, the contrasts between female clean singing and snarls is a fine combination. And closing the album comes “Empty Nails”, a more melodic and accessible song with the natural aggressive appeal they use) and what excellent ambiences).
The fans can guard comnplaints about the long time TELLUS TERROR took between the band's two albums, and that the band changed (even with all the words above stating that the band, in reality, evolved). But one can be sure of one thing: “DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR” is an album that’ll be received with open arms by fans of SEPTIC FLESH, CRADLE OF FILTH, DIMMU BORGIR and all those with good taste.
Oh, you can hear the album here:
10 / 10

"DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR" Track-listing:
- Amborella’s Child
- Absolute Zero
- Darkest Rubicon
- Psyclone Darxide
- Cry Me a River
- Shattered Murano Heart
- Abyssphere
- Brain Technology, Pt.2 (...and Humanity Have Feelings No More...)
- Sickroom Bed
- Deathinitive Love Atmosfear
- Lone Sky Universum
- Empty Nails
Tellus Terror Lineup:
Felipe Borges - Vocals
Ramon Montenegro - Keyboards, Synthesizers
Leandro Pinheiro - Guitars
Lucas Bittencourt - Guitars
Marcelo Val - Bass
Rafael Lobato - Drums, Percussion
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