RIP (Landscape of Sorrow) feat. Gonzalo Civita

Tales of Mike

This track did come out in 2023 (single version), and do a review now? Yes, […]
March 24, 2025
Tales of mike

This track did come out in 2023 (single version), and do a review now? Yes, why not. Michael Heß did do this track, in memory of his brother Markus Heß. I use Michael's own words here: Today, I am very happy to publish this song which I wrote for my brother, who passed away 13 years ago. It has been an exciting adventure to write this song, and I've met some friends along the way who supported me all the way… The lyrics, which are based on real events, were written by my daughter Shannon. I think my brother Markus would have loved this song, so I hope you'll love it too. Landscape of Sorrow did also come out as an EP back in 2023, 5 tracks, that did not fit every one. Yesterday I was looking up Band camp as usual, and thought, I must check up if Tales of Mike, has something new. And he had, the single Human Masquerade is out there, awesome track.

But I did also see this : Unfortunately, not everything was positive while he was working on the tribute EP. Some people changed because he was suddenly making music. People who also knew his brother. That disappointed him at first. Then he actually felt sorry for them, because envy destroys a lot of people. Many people don’t like it when others are happy. He sees again and again that there are people who are happy when somebody makes mistakes or is unhappy. I did speak to Mike, did ask what this was about, he did explain to me. Pretty much what you can read here. Let us jump to the single version of RIP (Landscape of Sorrow) feat. Gonzalo Civita. First time I did hear this track I was blown away, epic doom death metal, the sad intro a guitar church bells, and the clean mighty voice from Gonzalo Civita, the record has such an authentic sound. But what really did catch me was the lyrics, the right on story telling. I take from the lyrics here:(Why were you taken away from us so soon? We survived the orphanage, were hunted by a blasphemous nun.) Markus did die from cancer, the lyrics tales you about it:

Years later, cancer came
And you fought like an insane.
But you didn’t lose the fight,
Because he died right by your side.

The track and the lyrics are so mighty, tales about real horror, real lost and pain. You can hear it in the song, Gonzalo Civita's emotinal voice, and the growl , the sad guitar, the drums. And the chorus, so right on, powerful and sad. Sometimes one track, can say more than a whole album. So why did I choose to write about this? And do a track that is 2 years old. Review and write is not always easy, you must stay objective, to be fair. And at the same time, use a h*ll of a lot of emotions to understand what the artist/band tries to tell you. First off, the track is awesome, and has so few reviews. The storytelling that goes on, thanks to growl and an excellent singer in Gonzalo Civita, takes it all to another level. The music makes it all stronger, it doesn't take over, just do everything stronger. The music is basic doom metal, and fist perfect. Second, I should not write this, because I do a review, but I will not back down. If a person finds joy, in making music, after all the shit they have been true, can't that very same person, get some respect for doing music? Do something that makes a human happy? Why this envy, this ...weird way to behave. Serious, if you are not a better human than this, then you have a h*ll of a lot of things to work on.

10 / 10









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"RIP (Landscape of Sorrow) feat. Gonzalo Civita " Track-listing:

1. RIP (Landscape of Sorrow) feat. Gonzalo Civita (Single version)

Tales of Mike Lineup:

Gonzalo Civita - vocals
Michael Heß - guitar, bass, drums
Henrik Schaller - guitar solos

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