Honor Is Our Code, Death is the Reward
December 28, 2016

The second most populous city in Canada is Montréal, and that is where Black/Viking/Thrash Metal band, TALAMYUS, originate. Formed in the year 2002, by the brothers St-Jean, the idea was to play music that incorporated elements of Thrash, Death, and Viking Metal. Once the band was formed, they set about performing locally and the usual line-up changes followed the band. The band released their debut effort entitled "As Long As It Flows" in the year 2005. They followed it up with, "..In these Days Of Violence" and "Raven's Call To Annihilation", in the years 2007 and 2011, respectively. The band cites several influences ranging from OPETH to KREATOR, KING DIAMOND to MASTADON, and from ANTRAX to OVERKILL. After a five year long lay-off, the band released their fourth full-length album heroically titled, "Honour Is Our Code , Death is The Reward", via Deathbound Records. Although Montreal is mainly known for its Thrash Metal scene, the band has got a sufficient fan following and have received a positive reception for its latest outing.
"Victory Or Valhalla", the opening track is just over 10 minutes long and starts off with a sedate acoustic strumming before ripping power chords jump into battle. There is a speaking part that supersedes the main riff, and the song is about war and death. About 3 minutes into the song, the demonic voice of Dany "Ulvkil" St-Jean appears. The chorus is a passage of clean vocals that seems a little out of place. "Hall of the Bravest Souls" starts off with a melancholic riff and is a long track clocking in at just over 8 minutes. This song is also an ode to battle and heroics, and the majestic halls of Valhalla that awaits fallen warriors. The chorus is sung in clean vocals and it takes away a little of the intensity of the song and the verse. The song slows down considerably during its latter half and has an acoustic section in the song, with clean vocals. The song boasts of a compact, soaring lead guitar solo that is quite pleasing. "Honour to Wotan" is a 10-minute song and is a composition about war and the Vikings pillaging and destroying Christian villages. The song is a plea to Woton or Odin to give the warriors the strength to overcome their enemies. It starts off rather solemnly, with twin acoustic melody ably backed by a bass hook. "Abode of Myst" is the only instrumental track on the album and is just over 2 minutes in runtime. It is a mellow and an entirely enjoyable track and reminded me of "Planet Caravan" in the way it soothes the listener. This was one song that I hoped would go on for ever, as the melody is clever and the chord progression simple, yet effective." I Bow To No Man" is a short Thrash Metal inspired song and has a fast tear-away beginning. The familiar demonic lead vocals make a diabolical fit to the melody. This song is the stand out track of the album for me and is of the head bang-able variety, every 4 minutes of it.
While I don't mind the whole Norse/Viking Mythology and quite like it as much as the next guy, I was not tickled listening to an album made up entirely on the tales of Vikings and their bloodlust for war. There are plenty of riffs and twin lead guitar attacks, as well as meaty bass lines that will entertain fans of Metal. The repetitive nature of the songs dampens the impact the album could have had otherwise. The album is produced professionally and the lead vocals are sinister and fiendish. That begs the question whether the band have done enough to make them stand out from other Viking-motif Metal bands.<
8 / 10

"Honor Is Our Code, Death is the Reward" Track-listing:
1. Victory Or Valhalla
2. Blood Eagle
3. Loki's Punishment
4. Hall Of The Bravest Souls
5. Honour To Wotan
6. Nine Nights( Odin's Sacrifice)
7. Abode Of Myst
8. Jormungand
9. Bring The Weak To Their Knees
10. I Bow To No Man
11. Until Death, We Ride
Talamyus Lineup:
Dany "Ulvkil" St-Jean - Bass, Vocals
Benoit St-jean - Guitars, Vocals
Nikolia Olekhnovitch - Guitars
Etienne Gallo - Drums
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