Veil of Stigma Book 1: Mark of Delusion

Tableau Mort

TABLEAU MORT got their start during 2017 in London, England. Currently they have one album […]
By Louise Brown
September 4, 2019
Tableau Mort - Veil of Stigma Book 1: Mark of Delusion album cover

TABLEAU MORT got their start during 2017 in London, England. Currently they have one album to their credit, "Veil Of Stigma: Book 1 Mark of Delusion" which was released in May of this year.

"Impending Corruption" is deceptively quiet at first before it quickly reveals its true nature as the speed and volume of the track increase.  The vocals are very intense, even by Black Metal standards. The backing music matches the intensity level with plenty of powerful percussion as well as brutal guitar-playing; not to mention an excellent bass-line. In short, it's a great song. "Fall Of Man" has a very brief symphonic style intro that leads to some down-tempo guitar licks along with more rage-filled vocals. The track is very heavy with just the right amount of symphonic undertone. In some parts of the composition the tone becomes more melodic in nature, which adds even more to a the overall sound quality. This is one of those songs that you should check out if you're the least bit curious about this band's music. "Carpenter Of Sorrow" starts out with the briefest of keyboard intros before much faster-paced guitars and driving percussion dominate the track. The vocal performance becomes even better with the addition of backing vocals as well as a sample of a men's Gothic choir which is quietly blended into the mix. The song is powerful with a melancholy air that you can't miss. "Broken On The Wheel" has an excellent guitar-based beginning that leads into an extremely grim-sounding song. It's dark, dreary, and pretty much everything you could want in a down-tempo Black Metal track. The guitar playing within the song truly sets it off, turning it into something that you'll probably want to play a few times in a row before moving on.

"Tapestry Sewn" is also grim. It's sparse compared to the other tracks, yet compelling nonetheless. There is much more discord on this track with the slightest hint of a melodic tone. While it sounds harsh compared to the previous songs it still manages to be equally enjoyable. A good song for those times when you're upset yet can't quite find the right words to express just how rotten you're feeling. "Mother's Promise" seems extremely low-key at first. That idea soon vanishes as the guitars and percussion kick in. The vocals are strident and more aggressive, featuring some of the most impressive shrieks and growls on the entire album. The song's pace is perfect, driving it along without being too fast or too slow. I'd also suggest this one if you simply want to hear what the band sounds like. The final song, "Beyond His Gaze," is melancholy from the outset with its haunting intro. A powerful yet solemn guitar performance takes over along with vocals that easily match its quiet intensity. The darkness with the song makes it nearly irresistible. If you're feeling low the song will certainly speak to you. It has an air of desperation that you can easily feel as you listen to it. It's tragic, but beautiful, too.

"Veil Of Stigma: Book 1 Mark Of Delusion" is a must-have if you're a fan of Black Metal. It has an incredible sound as well as songs that will remain with you long after you've finished listening to them play. TABLEAU MORT has created an album that they should be quite proud of.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Veil of Stigma Book 1: Mark of Delusion" Track-listing:

1. Impending Corruption
2. Fall of Man
3. Carpenter of Sorrow
4. Broken on The Wheel
5. Tapestry Sewn
6. Mother's Promise
7. Beyond His Gaze


Tableau Mort Lineup:

James Andrews -  Vocals
Cristian Giurgiu -  Guitar
George Topor -  Guitar, keyboards, backing vocals
Marek Basista-  Bass
George Bratosin -  Drums


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