Here Lies The Truth


Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you, SYNTHETIC; signed independently, hailing from […]
By Craig "Thrashing" Rider
November 11, 2016
Synthetic - Here Lies The Truth album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you, SYNTHETIC; signed independently, hailing from England, Cambridge...performing Melodic Death Metal on their debut album entitled: "Here Lies The Truth".

Since formation in 2013, SYNTHETIC has had 4 years of prominent expertise in staying true to the sub-genre in question; Melodic Death Metal for sure is an acquired taste...but isn't pop music?! Ahem, I try to refrain from using that sentence because, of bloody course, all music is an acquired's just a matter of what is YOUR preference in music. With that little rant out of the way, "Here Lies The Truth" is the quintet's first exert into the sub-genre. One could argue that the Hardcore/Extreme Metal genres were implemented in the making; not necessarily AMON AMARTH-esque atmospherics, more SOILWORK influence...with the enlisting of Dirk Verbeuren in the song "Hollow", it's quite evident that all this amalgamation of sub-genres makes this album more Progressive than anything. While the artwork depicts a dark yet bright vision, it also has a modern incentive of hardcore physics, as does the album in question.

"Encore", "Lie" and the titular track "Synthetic" begin the record...compelled to say that these tracks alone should be enough to convince one of the quartet's potency. The vocals from Sterge B. ranges from clean to aggressive in a hardcore balance of modern Heavy Metal complexity. Instrumentally driven; Simon Charkas & Hallam Smith on guitars provide very catchy riffery that proficiently showcases coherent balances of the sub-genres aforementioned, especially in songs like "Memories", "Still Cold" & "Kingdom Circus". The powerhouse of Chris Cassidy on bass, and Joe Ricciardi on drums, prominently pummel their way into oblivion with dexterity and efficiency, progressively challenged to combine rock ballad territories, which could have spelled doom for the band...yet with an immense sound production of extreme magnitude, this intrigue saves them.

"Walk This Line", "Forgiveness" & "Withering Shadows" showcase more atmospherics, which helps balance the blend of modern sub-genres almost indefinitely. Similarly found with the intense "Scream In Your Dreams", which completes the record...full of formidable melodic hooks. "Here Lies The Truth" is an enjoyable piece of modern melodic Death Metal; the band was not afraid to go "outside the lines" as the band member's envision when needed and kept the record cohesive as possible. While this is a record that I wouldn't repeat over and over; I will certainly give talent credentials where due. SYNTHETIC is an eclectic mix of Classic and Scandinavian Metal with a hint of Prog and some American style consistent grooves. If you're looking for something truly unique that's elements unprecedented values, then you've come to the right band. Lucky for you, you can check it out for free via Bandcamp, so you can be the judge of my review.<

8 / 10









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"Here Lies The Truth" Track-listing:

1. Encore
2. Lie
3. Synthetic
4. Hollow (ft. Dirk Verbeuren of SOILWORK)
5. Memories
6. Still Cold
7. Kingdom Circus
8. Walk This Line
9. Forgiveness
10. Withering Shadows
11. Scream In Your Dreams

Synthetic Lineup:

Sterge B. - Vocals
Simon Charkas - Guitars
Hallam Smith - Guitars
Chris Cassidy - Bass
Joe Ricciardi - Drums

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