Full English
February 1, 2018

SULO is Swedish vocalist and songwriter known for being the front man of THE DIAMOND DOGS. With his new album "Full English", he mixes several genres into a mixture that feels like old school rock. ON this album he had many musicians backing him like Chris Spedding, Jamie Moses, Chris Parks, Melvin Duffy and more. This is a monster of an album at 19 tracks, as a whole feel like a rollercoaster of music and genres.
"Lady Jane" the first track on the album starts up with a nice mixture of guitar, drums and piano. When Sulo's vocals start you get your first idea of what this album is. At some points it is like a love letter to 70's rock. No song more than Lady Jane. The music and the vocals pull you back to that era then hit you with everything from beautiful backing vocals and a saxophone. This album starts off strong with this song. "Sorry for the Young" captures that 70's sound so well you would swear you heard it before, but that just shows how well Sulo does his job. This song is catchy and has that radio play feel to it. The backing piano does a wonderful job of giving this song soul and keeping it upbeat. You will catch yourself tapping your foot to this song without even realizing it.
By the time "Among the Angels" comes on I had to check and make sure I am still listening to the same album. SULO transitions from 70's rock to something close to country. This song has the familiar twang you would expect to hear from the guitars on Hank Williams Jr. It is kind of a shock, but it is catchy enough to even draw in this hard-core metal head. "Hit me with your Rock n' Roll" kicks up the pace again. I get a sense from this song of the Rolling Stones. That is the vibe a lot of SULO songs give, that they would fit in perfectly with the bands of the that time period. This song like many of the others mixes guitars, drums, vocals, and piano to deliver a catchy upbeat tune. "Finest Words" slows it back down. The song has a very catch organ playing throughout the beginning. Again, you will find yourself tapping your foot along to the beat. Sulo is joined by a female co-singer through most of the chorus. As I listen to this song, again I would almost put it in the country category over rock.
"With Hot Swagger in the Big Smoke" SULO get back to the rock. With distorted guitars and the lively piano this is the sing along song of the album. You can picture this song playing at a party and everyone dancing to it. With most of his songs on this album it becomes difficult to categorize them. I enjoyed "Full English" for what it was. SULO delivered an album that could easily see play on rock and country playlist alike. I was a little thrown off by the sudden transitions from 70's rock style to county style, but he pulls it off. I think this is an interesting album to listen to because of how many genre's Sulo puts into the album. Start the album on "Enjoy the Risk" and you might think this is going to be a blues album. Many metal heads might dismiss this album because it isn't hard, but they would miss out on a very good album, with some good tracks. Yes, even the more country ones too.
8 / 10

"Full English" Track-listing:
1. Lady Jane
2. Something About That Girl
3. Sorry for the Young
4. Among the Angels
5. Run for your Life
6. Hit me with your Rock n' Roll
7. Lightning Strikes Twice
8. Stand on the Rocks
9. Is it Love on your Mind
10. Finest Words
11. Life's Work
12. My Bounty from Above
13. Hot Swagger in the Big Smoke
14. Roxette
15. Enjoy the Risk
16. Poor, Poor, Heart
17. Borstal Breakout
18. Roses & Rings
19. Teenage Depression
Sulo Lineup:
Soren "Sulo" Karlsson
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