Years Of Aggression

Suicidal Angels

One cannot stop what is cannot be contained, one cannot overcome a hurricane and cease […]
August 8, 2019
Suicidal Angels - Years Of Aggression album cover

One cannot stop what is cannot be contained, one cannot overcome a hurricane and cease its existence once it spreads. Like a Tank moving forward, destroying everything in its path, the gruesome foursome of SUICIDAL ANGELS, committed themselves to yet another assault in the name of Thrash Metal. I actually listened to "Divide And Conquer" just a little while ago, a sort of an aggressive retreat, only to be reminded that there is something heavenly in the violent nature of this maniacal Greek beast. And now, here I am, sitting with my earphones, listening to a new burnt offering, "Years Of Aggression", not the years of decay, treated and spread by NoiseArt Records.

Usually when I listen to SUICIDAL ANGELS, the first comparison that comes to mind is SLAYER, as if now with SLAYER retired, the Greeks can easily maintain the big shoes. They have the sound, an identical attitude, heavily critical mindset and the right musical skills to become the next big thing. Nonetheless, heeding the call of "Years Of Aggression", at least from where I am sitting, had the band picking in the garbage cans of other figures of the Bay Area Thrash Metal regime, slightly swaying in the corners of EXODUS and a little of late era of HEATHEN. Make no mistake, the guiding light that I am still feeling here is SLAYER, however, there are sections that tell a somewhat different story.

The key aspects of "Years Of Aggression" is first the riffing. In the stronger songs, take "Years Of Aggression" for instance, the Greeks hit the bullseye when they were able to captivate with a catchy Thrashed up main riff, a kind of riff that is developed here and there with extra melody and harmonies. Of course, there is no fear upon spraying bewildering soloing. Additional proofs to let you in on the band's cardinal ability to write riffs, and lead guitaring, is with "The Roof Of Rats" and "Bloody Ground", the former showcases constructive songwriting that is a little different from the band's traditional approach.

Second, I have been a fan of Nick's diction and strong Greek accent when he sings. There is something magical, almost drawing, about the Greek accent in English, which with the right diction and pronunciation of the lyrics can make wonders. And so it did in SUICIDAL ANGELS case. Lastly, there is the uncompromising attitude of the entire package, loads of anger, constantly preaching to wake up and smell the shit all over, and of course, don't mess with folks you shouldn't. That is what I liked so much about "D.I.V.A.", it is a take no shit from anyone kind of tune, addictive riffing and blasting soloing, severing the spine with a tough, Punkish to an extent, slant.

Throughout their career, SUICIDAL ANGELS always fronted their attack runs with a destructive sound that aided them on unleashing the endless power in their iron fists. Same goes for "Years Of Aggression". Yes, it is digitized and polished, yet the crew of Bogren and Lindgren, nailed it with an awesome turnout.

Let's just say that I wasn't surprised by "Years Of Aggression"'s quality. SUICIDAL ANGELS having paving their road into a glorious future in Metal music. Their consistency, and not backing down to the market's influence, is taker.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Years Of Aggression" Track-listing:

1. Endless War
2. Born Of Hate
3. Years Of Aggression
4. Bloody Ground
5. D.I.V.A.
6. From All The One
7. Order Of Death
8. The Roof Of Rats
9. The Sacred Dance With Chaos

Suicidal Angels Lineup:

Nick - Guitar / Vocals
Orfeas - Drums
Gus - Guitar
Angel - Bass

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