Armies Of Hell

Suicidal Angels

This release is an interesting but a bit unorthodox move, financially speaking. This is an […]
By Michael Dalakos
May 26, 2006
Suicidal Angels - Armies Of Hell album cover

This release is an interesting but a bit unorthodox move, financially speaking. This is an EP, running a bit more than eighteen minutes, but is an official release by an independent label. Hmmm I guess it is an interesting way to promote a new band (if I am not mistaken the EP is sold in a very low price) but I wonder what kind of distribution such a release can have.
The band was formed back in 2001 and after several line up changes they stabilized with the current form. since then they have released two demos and one EP titled Bloodthirsty Humanity. Suicidal Angels has also opened several live shows for bands such as Tankard and Anvil while they have performed a couple of shows abroad.
Suicidal Angels delivers death / thrash very close in vein with the middle period of bands such as Slayer. Yeah I know most death / thrash bands bring in mind Slayer (I wonder why...), but I must give a credit to these lads since not only they have manage to compose some really honest songs but also sonically achieve a respectful outcome with very good production (for the genre). The razor sharp guitar riffs sound familiar to my ears while Nick spits vile with his vocal abilities.
In conclusion this is a rather interesting release. No it is not ground braking nor the cream of the crop in its genre but definitely is a really positive step in the right direction for this young band.

"Armies Of Hell" Track-listing:

Slaughtering Christianity
Armies Of Hell
Screams Of Homicide

Suicidal Angels Lineup:

Nick - Guitar & Vocals
Themis - Guitar
Christine - Bass
Orpheas - Drums

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