Monolith of Sorrow

Sudden Death

SUDDEN DEATH has released "Monolith of Sorrow", it is the third effort from this Italian […]
By Johnny Jackal
March 5, 2016
Sudden Death - Monolith of Sorrow album cover

SUDDEN DEATH has released "Monolith of Sorrow", it is the third effort from this Italian band. This was out in 2014 but was reissued in late 2015, They aren't on a big label and the distribution might not be up to par with other bigger labels. They haven't put out a lot of albums even though they have existed since 1998. This is longer than most of the Brutal Death Metal albums that I know of. They actually have a better grasp on the technical side of Death Metal, but it's also extremely brutal! They begin with a pretty nice instrumental intro, and I liked that they did that, it felt different than most of the stuff out there. It's not mind boggling by any stretch of the imagination, it's pretty standard death metal, it won't win any awards but it has some infectious energy about it. Most of the songs are interchangeable after the intro, no rhyme or reason but most of the songs are highly aggressive and do have a refine sound to them. Like I said before, it's far more technical than I would have thought.

It's intense, but a recording of anything in the Death Metal genre or sub-genre always lacks the energy of the live performances. I always felt this genre was something to listen to in person and the recordings don't do any justice to the core of it. It still sounds pretty good but it's limited in terms of the production. It's not the most innovative album in the world, but it's worthwhile to listen to, it's a standard Brutal Death Metal and has that intensity you see from the legends of the genre. I liked it very much and if you had a bad day at work, this might make your day! Don't be going thrashing your living room and bang on the walls like a madman, but this you can head-bang and just release that anger within you. It's a good album if you enjoy anything resembling Brutal Death Metal or even some good old Grindcore, I highly suggest this band. I really hope the guys will be able to come to the United States or Canada and get their name out, they have following in Italy and I would love to see them live one of these days if they get more recognition. An honest approach to the genre!

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Monolith of Sorrow" Track-listing:

1. Intro - A New Strategy of Terror
2. Blood Wings
3. Cancer of a World Condemned to Die
4. Monolith of Sorrow
5.Toxic Devourment
6. Inhuman Lycanthropic Lust
7. Vomit
8. Reanimator
9. Dressed by Flesh to Cover the Darkness

Sudden Death Lineup:

Luis Maggio - Vocals
Gabriel Lupi - Guitar
Luigi Maiolini - Guitar
Daniele Marrocco - Bass
Andre Pro  - Drums

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