Code Of Conspiracy
May 6, 2009

I would be short and sweet in this review. And that's because sometimes things are so obvious that you don't have to write 1000 words to describe something. And this is what's going on with the new album of SUBMISSION.
Code of Conspiracy is the second album from the band, formed in 2003 by Christoffer Petersen and Kasper Kirkegaard. After some lineup changes they released their debut album Failure To Perfection in 2006. Now with a new vocalist, the band has ready their second strike. So let's see what they have for us.
Allow me to start with the layout of the booklet that came with the promo CD. Even though I liked the cover, I can't say the same with the other pages. Ok it's nice to be artistic and you can read most of the lyrics(?). But you can't distinguish the songs and you can only read it as slogans or something. Art is nice, but sometimes some guys overdo it. Anyway, let's go to the main thing that we want from a band: music.
Since I didn't have the opportunity to listen to their previous album, I can't make any comparisons between the two singers. Lasse is not bad, but on the other hand his voice is something that we have heard again and again. Playing a mixture of Thrash and the Gothenburg Death Metal style, they can't win any authentication prize. SUBMISSION drinks water in the name of bands like IN FLAMES, MNEMIC, SOILWORK and HATESPHERE. So, if you haven't heard about them before, you know what kind of music is going to come out of your speakers.
For what they are playing they are not bad, but to tell you the truth after a while Code Of Conspiracy may get boring, since all the songs have the same structure and the same sound. OK it' Thrash/Death Metal and someone may like this... I already listened to the album a lot of times, so I don't think that I'm going to listen to it again for quite a while.
Overall, a fan of this genre will like the album. Nothing new, or experimental here, but it's well played. As for me, it is an album that can play in the background while I'm doing something else. It's not that they don't have talent. But they have to do something more in order to get away from their main influences and make the next step.
P.S. Why the OPETH like bridges have to be everywhere?
5 / 10
"Code Of Conspiracy" Track-listing:
Rebel Of Society
Imaginary Freedom
A Terror Within
Raised Above God
In The Eyes Of Tyranny
An Illusion Of The Perfect Forever
Determent Infiltration
Celebrate The Dead
Code Of Conspiracy
The End Of Eternity
Submission Lineup:
Lasse Sivertsen - Vocals
Christoffer Kjeller Petersen - Lead Guitar
Kasper Vincens Kirkegaard - Rhythm Guitar
Boris Tandrup - Bass
Morten Loewe Sorensen - Drums
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