
Stuka Squadron

War is the worst thing of all, and this new release of this English Heavy Metal division depicts it with excellent music!
March 21, 2024

When a band deals with themes about wars, many people complain a lot, but as long as the truth must be said, to speak about the atrocities that happened evades to calling fascists and genocidal leaders as ‘heroes’ (what’s usual for many, and as proof, see how many still are in love with fascists that belongs to the dark pages of history as Putin, Bolsonaro, Trump and others in such way). War is nothing but an expression of Hell on Earth, and you must remember always that the price of war is always blood spilled and innocent killed (check what is happing at Gaza end Ukraine by now, just to name a few). And maybe one can understand the importance of acts as the English quintet STUKA SQUADRON. On their second full-length, “Zeppelin”, such lessons are given on a funny way.

Paul Miles is the name of the producer of “Zeppelin” (and the one who recorded and mixed it as well) at Select Recording Studios, London. The construction of the album’s sonority was done aiming to create something strong and heavy, but defined in a way that’s easy to be understood. The band hit the bull’s eye, because all sounds great, heavy and aggressive, but with the melodies flowing in a comprehensible way. The artwork itself is amazing, fitting on the band’s lyrical themes, and it’s a great work of Mr. Dead Head (of dead–head.com) on the cover, from stock photo of Oleg Zabielin. The edition is signed by Jowita Kaminska–Peruzzi, the illustrations were done by Andrea Sfiligoi and KnightFlyte96, and the graphic design is signed by Simone A. Peruzzi. And as guests, here are Meltem, Moog, Gravedigger Cox, and Blade on the backing vocals and additional vocals on some tracks, Terrorsound on some guitars and lead guitars, and Evil E the Stormtrooper of Death playing some drums parts (and don’t mind the nicknames used here, they’re known musicians). The band’s musical ways are simply a modern and heavy form of traditional Heavy Metal in a NWOBHM with excellent melodies and full of contrasts (to boost the narrative ambiences), and a fine technical work (the guitars arrangements during “Tiger II” supports such words). But pay attention: even working on an old Metal genre, the band depicts a strong and personal work, with energy flowing from the speakers in a way that’s hard to resist. Yes, it’s truly excellent!

Filled with contrasts between musical parts and war ambiences, the band embraces its own mythology, and created an excellent release. From the intro “Totenmarsch (Anthem of the Subterranea)” to “Angel of Mons”, nothing is expandable, but to the lazy ones that can’t hear a full album with focused attention, songs as “Pit of Fire” (excellent melodies and an amazing energy, all based upon the heavy rhythmic artillery from bass guitar and drums), “The Last Valkyrie” (the contrasts between introspective moments with heavier and melodic parts is something irresistible, especially with such catching guitar riffs and arrangements), “Tiger II” (the speed decreases, the weight increases, with an excellent interpretation of the vocals and charming guitars once more), “One Man Blitzkrieg” (a simple and heavy instrumental sheath is heard in a traditional Heavy Metal sense is heard, but what amazing energy is unleashed), “Montague Summers” and “Zeppelin” (two songs with a modern insight into Heavy Metal, but with charming melodic contrasts and very good choruses), “The Weeper” (a deeper and introspective song with a refreshing and versatile appeal on its beginning, before becoming heavier), “Destroyer of Worlds” (that shows a trend similar to KISS on the 80s on the melodies in some parts)… Well, almost all the songs were named and described, so it depicts as it’s hard to not give applause to “Zeppelin” as a whole opus (so hear to “Our Bloody Ragnarok” and “Angel of Mons” as well). And enjoy some lessons in history as well.

If STUKA SQUADRON isn’t a great name by now, it’s an injustice of fate. But if it’s the case, “Zeppelin” came to correct such thing, so hear to it and join their army!

10 / 10









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"Zeppelin" Track-listing:
  1. Totenmarsch (Anthem of the Subterranea)
  2. Pit of Fire
  3. The Last Valkyrie
  4. Tiger II
  5. It Is Him
  6. One Man Blitzkrieg
  7. Montague Summers
  8. Warriors of the Undead
  9. Zeppelin
  10. The Weeper
  11. Destroyer of Worlds
  12. Our Bloody Ragnarok
  13. Angel of Mons
Stuka Squadron Lineup:

Captain Strange - Vocals
Generalissimo Strix - Guitars
Klauss von Orlok - Guitars
Lord Pyre - Bass
Max Flieger - Drums

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