Even the Devil Believes


Shall we get the one thing out of the way now.  STRYPER are a Christian […]
November 2, 2020
Stryper - Even the Devil Believes album cover

Shall we get the one thing out of the way now.  STRYPER are a Christian Rock Band.  They have been, playing their "Heavenly Metal" since the early 80's.  Yes their faith is writ large, many of their song titles over the years, including on this their twelfth studio LP have only a single meaning, their belief and faith.  "This I Prey", "Do Unto Others", "For God & Rock and Roll", and "Let Him In".  Ok that last one might have a double meaning, but perhaps it shows these guys don't always take it too seriously, I mean with a chorus of "Let him in - inside of you", I mean come on!  Does it matter?  It shouldn't.  These guys have sold over 10 million records in their history, they have had hits, they've had songs on heavy rotation on MTV back in the day, this cannot just be down to their faith, it must have had something to do with the music.

And they do rock, in an 80's Hair Metal sort of way, no bad thing says I.  And "Even The Devil Believes" is no exception.  Take the music at face value, it makes you want to dance and bang your head.  Yes sometimes the message is a little rammed home, but it is done with style in the way only a band at the top of their game can do, and when you consider the majority of the band have been there since 83, you can imagine how tight they are.

Opening song "Blood From Above" starts with great riffage and a wail before powering through a straight forward rocker.  Yes I'm sure there is some message in there", but to me it's above human sacrifices and raining blood (no not the SLAYER song, and before you say it, I know!) and great solos, and more wailing than a dude who's been doing this as long as Michael Sweet has should be able to do.

Next song, I cannot help but assume this is a bit of a swipe from POTUS's last election slogan, although "Make Love Great Again" could/should be used in the next Viagra campaign.  The song itself is a mid-paced chorus heavy tune with sexy beat, and sultry guitar solo.

"Let Him In", well is great 80s rock song, with a its double meaning chorus, well it is in my dirty mind.  Does this mean I'm going to hell?

And it goes on in this fashion, verse, chorus solo, scream, Christian message.  All I'm saying is there is a formula at work here guys.  Where it works, it works well, and luckily that is most of the time, there are times where it misfires a little, such as "Do Unto Others", which tries a little too hard in my mind, and the chorus is a little on the nose.  I'm also not a big fan of the title track "Even The Devil Believes" for similar reasons.  The song chugs along, but the chorus is a bit too hackneyed.

However no 80's album would complete without its ballad, and "This I Prey" is the best contender for the title in 1988.  It doesn't matter its 2020, listen to this and you are right back there.  "Every Rose", "When The Children Cry", "Blaze Of Glory" and "This I Prey", all cut from the same cloth, can even bring a tear to this old rockers eye.

For a change instead of finishing on plaintive slow number, this album goes out as it came in, with a rocker.  And boy does "Middle Finger Messiah" rock hard.  Yes it is still on message, and it isn't subtle, but it doesn't matter because it is flippin' good, it rocks, it has an over the top guitar solo and clatters along at a pace that will get you head banging and flipping the bird to all and sundry.

So it is fair to say the Yellow and Black attack are back, with a strong, but not perfect album.  However it made me smile and think of better days, happier times, and that is what this type of music should do. If you want to listen to their message fine, otherwise just enjoy it at face value.

8 / 10









"Even the Devil Believes" Track-listing:
  1. Blood From Above
  2. Make Love Great Again
  3. Let Him In
  4. Do Unto Others
  5. Even the Devil Believes
  6. How To Fly
  7. Divider
  8. This I Pray
  9. Invitation Only
  10. For God & Rock 'n' Roll
  11. Middle Finger Messiah
Stryper Lineup:

Michael Sweet - Vocals, Guitar
Oz Fox - Guitar
Perry Richardson - Bass
Robert Sweet - Drums

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