Rivers Gone Dry

Strawberry Fields

STRAWBERRY FIELDS is the new project of Wojtek Szadkowski (COLLAGE, SATTELITE, PETER PAN). Don't expect […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
February 23, 2009
Strawberry Fields - Rivers Gone Dry album cover

STRAWBERRY FIELDS is the new project of Wojtek Szadkowski (COLLAGE, SATTELITE, PETER PAN). Don't expect heavy riffs or a rhythm section that can demolish a building. In this album we are dealing with a progressive, let's say, Rock-pop (with the good meaning of the word pop) CD.

This project was born last year, so there is nothing to say about their history, lineup changes, gossips or anything like that stuff. OK let's get to the bottom line, and that's music, right away. Their influences are from the atmospheric Rock and Pop field. A watchful reader, that saw the name of the band, will notice that the name was taken from a song from THE BEATLES, so you are starting to have a picture of their music. But it's not only the pre-mentioned band their influence. Their sound is also a mixture of MASSIVE ATTACK, GOLDFRAPP, CAAMORA, THE CRANBERRIES and THE GATHERING, from How To Measure A Planet? album and forth.

The album flows smoothly having beautiful melodies and a dark atmosphere. But the 'pop' element is almost everywhere in this album. For example take a glance at Close. It will bring in your mind THE CRANBERRIES. The band, even though its music forms are outside our beloved genre of music, doesn't make any compromises and the musicians take advantage from that in order to make an album full of emotions.

Rivers Gone Dry fell into my hands right on time since I wanted to listen to something outside the trite albums I'm listening to. I know that maybe this album is not for some of our readers, but if you are an open-minded listener, this album deserves your attention.

P.S.: I don't think that rating an album like this one in a Metal zine is proper.

"Rivers Gone Dry" Track-listing:

Your Story
River's Gone Dry
Open Your eyes

Strawberry Fields Lineup:

Robin - Voice
Sarhan Kubeisi - Guitars
Jarek Michalski - Bass
Wojtek Szadkowski - Keyboards, Drums, Acc Guitar
Krzysiek Palczewski - Keyboards

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