New Nights of Euphoria

Strange New Dawn

For me, the album sounds like the constant shifting skies during a passing series of storms. The rain falls heavy while the skies blacken, followed by periods of sunshine, and then back to storms again. What the band probably does best is not allow the listener to get too comfortable with the sound. As soon as it begins a hook, it shifts into another gear.
November 21, 2023

From Bandcamp, “STRANGE NEW DAWN’s mission is clear: to provide listeners with an uplifting perspective on the world, coupled with a deeply euphoric journey through their musical landscape. The excitement felt by the bands emergence is shared equally between listener and creators. "We are thrilled with the album and believe we've created something truly special," says Xbotteri. "Our collaboration has been exceptional, and this journey has been a source of inspiration and fulfilment for all of us." The album has 10 songs.

“Journey Within” is first. Strange is indeed the word that comes to mind in this first song. It has a unique combination of dissonance and melody. The bottom end is like a cup of strong coffee, while the melodies that rise above are like the sugar and cream. “Class Hero Idol” has rounded edges and the smooth qualities of 70’s music with the sharper edges of Metal. The vocal harmonies are one of the best parts of the song. “Defenders of Faith” has a jovial opening sound, with the steady thump of bass guitar. The thick undergrowth of branches however piles up faster than you think.

“Fortune Bringer” floats inauspiciously until the half-way mark, where some tones of anger break the otherwise good day’s feelings. I get a distinct “old school” vibe here that is hard to compare with other bands of the timeframe. “Seek It” has similar combination of seemingly competing sounds, and they are locked in a fight that neither will win. “High Strangeness” is very fitting song title, because that is how I feel when I listen to this song. There are some odd chord progressions, and round-peg-in-square-hole type of elements. “Sons of Galaxy” is a shorter and more concise number high in vocal harmonies, but the Doomy backing elements keep it in the shadows a bit.

“The Passing” closes the album, and it’s an amalgam of several different styles. Trying to find a band to compare them with proved more difficult that I could have imagined. For me, the album sounds like the constant shifting skies during a passing series of storms. The rain falls heavy while the skies blacken, followed by periods of sunshine, and then back to storms again. What the band probably does best is not allow the listener to get too comfortable with the sound. As soon as it begins a hook, it shifts into another gear.

7 / 10









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"New Nights of Euphoria" Track-listing:

1. Journey Within

2. Class Hero Idol

3. Defenders of Faith

4. The Wake of Icons

5. Fortune Bringer

6. Finding the Pieces

7. Seek It

8. High Strangeness

9. Sons of Galaxy

10. The Passing


Strange New Dawn Lineup:

Muld – Keyboards, Piano

ExRoyal – Vocals

Cm: Botteri – Bass

Sven Rothe – Drums

Xbotteri – Guitars


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