Age Of Chimairas
Stone Horns

By the time you are reading this review, hopefully the full STONE HORNS album “Chimaira” should be let loose on our unsuspecting world. These French Groove Metallers from Marseille will then have three studio albums in their portfolio. As to wet our appetites, they have decided to release a single beforehand, and that is this one. “Age Of Chimairas” is Groove metal at it’s finest, giving you a band that has parts MACHINE HEAD, FEAR FACTORY, SLIPKNOT and PANTERA in their sound.
Not only that, if the rest of the upcoming album “Chimaira” has been penned, played, recorded and released with the same level of quality as this “Age Of Chimairas” song, you are in for a treat. This is Heavy, this is Grooving, this has a lot of variety and even after listening it for five times in a row, never gets boring. That in itself is quite the accomplishment. I have to admit that it has me very interested in hearing the new full STONE HORNS album, Give this a try, and see if you think the same. It wouldn’t surprise me one iota.
8 / 10

"Age Of Chimairas" Track-listing:
1 Age Of Chimairas
Stone Horns Lineup:
Devf – vocals, guitar, bass
Damien Servais – guitar
Mathis Lakermance – guitar
Antoine – lead guitar
Maël Taquelmint – drums
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