Stomachal Corrosion

Stomachal Corrosion

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it has to be that Brazil […]
By Jon Glenn
October 1, 2019
Stomachal Corrosion - Stomachal Corrosion album cover

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it has to be that Brazil has some of the most influential Metal bands of all time. From the loving hug of SEPULTURA to the cold embrace of SARCÓFAGO, this country is a hotspot for musicians looking to break the mold of your typical Thrash outfit. Which brings me to the next band who we haven't heard from in quite some time, STOMACHAL CORROSION.

This Deathgrind outfit is back after 13 long years to bring some ferocious riffs that are short, sweet and to the point. This is 22 songs of grinding Thrash with a lot of variety in between. After an ear-piercing intro you're hit with "A Crutch," a 40-second grind-fest reminiscent of REPULSION. With a crusty D-beat to go along with pretty much the whole album, there's something about it that's endearing.

Songs like "Horror Show" and "Infinita Psicopatia" are some of the longer songs on the album, both being about a minute and a half long. They are chock full of riffs and blast beats that insert the Punk aspect of the music they are trying to convey with the sheer rawness of the production. These songs stand out along with "Two Centuries to You to Die" and "Shits Factory" which are full of putrid riffs.

Overall, after a 13-year hiatus this is a good record to return with. None of the songs overstay their welcome, hitting you from all different directions. It's definitely mature for these guys that hold true to their sound. There are plenty of cool moments, but it's not ground-breaking.

5 / 10









"Stomachal Corrosion" Track-listing:

1. Intro
2. A Crutch
3. Mental Dispain
4. Horror Show
5. Subterraneo
6. Infinita Psicopatia
7. Moviment
8. Choice a Label
9. Two Centuries to You Die
10. Life of Lies
11. No, Nothing
12. Shits Factory
13. Ato Premeditado
14. You Fool
15. Alucinacoes Apoiando o Terror
16. Behavior
17. This Again
18. Mi Ne Kurbigu
19. Decada de Dor
20. Maniaco Inimigo
21. As a Kick in Your Head
22. I'm Arrogant

Stomachal Corrosion Lineup:


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