Purulence Gushing from the Coffin

There are times when the influences a band has taking over their work, and the band must pay attention to not start to copycat other bands that already did such music, and such problem happens usually on Latin America scenes. It seems that some wrong ideas became ideologies and permeates the scenes, and it can explain why the work of STENCHED needs maturing. The band’s first full-length, “Purulence Gushing from the Coffin”, is a recollection of cliches. The sonority is what one could expect after the paragraph above: putrid and nasty as Death Metal used to have on the early days of the Second Wave of Death Metal in the turn of the 80s to the 90s, especially of Swedish Death Metal acts.
It’s not bad and fits on what the band needs, but some instrumental tunes could be used in a better way (especially the drums). The band’s musical efforts lie upon an Old School Death Metal model, the same one used by CANNIBAL CORPSE’s early works (on Chris Barnes’ era, especially on some drums’ parts) and PUNGENT STENCH on its prime, with emphasis on slower tempos. It’s not bad, the idea is good, but Adrian (the sole member of the band) must mature a bit more his efforts, because things are extremely similar to the band’s musical influences. The potential is great, but the way it’s used isn’t the better one.
It’s clear that Old School Metal fans will really fall in love with moments as “Morbid Mass of Repulsive Purulence”, “Mucus, Phlegm and Bile”, “Wormridden Torso”, “Suppurating Cranial Cavity”, “Death Maniacal Obsession”, “Eye Socket Pus Emanation”, “Ecstasy Through Pestilence” and “Effusion of Foul Smelling Fluids”, but a second hearing will reveal that what lies on the band’s music is a lack of personality. Again: it’s not bad, but needs improvement to show that the band’s music is not a ‘Dolly clone’ of others.
STENCHED has a good potential to be transformed in music, but “Purulence Gushing from the Coffin” shows that it must be done wisely, because it doesn’t hit the goals it could.
6 / 10
Had Potential

"Purulence Gushing from the Coffin" Track-listing:
- Morbid Mass of Repulsive Purulence
- Mucus, Phlegm and Bile
- Wormridden Torso
- Suppurating Cranial Cavity
- Death Maniacal Obsession
- Eye Socket Pus Emanation
- Ecstasy Through Pestilence
- Effusion of Foul Smelling Fluids
Stenched Lineup:
Adrian - All Instruments, Vocals
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