
Squash Bowels

A band for all you Grindcore-aholics out there - Polish SQUASH BOWELS's latest release is […]
By Bex "Hardcore" Tasker
August 5, 2013
Squash Bowels - Grindcoholism album cover

A band for all you Grindcore-aholics out there - Polish SQUASH BOWELS's latest release is bound to peak your interest. With 14 tracks and a whole lot of heavy, the three-piece show off their aggressiveness and bowel-squashing fetish with "Grindcoholism".  The group has been going since 1994, so it's no surprise that these veterans must be Grindcoholics by now.

The drums are heavy, the guitar's distorted and the vocals won't take no for an answer. Take all that and add it to the track names being all in capitals, and you definitely feel an indignant vibe when you give this a listen. Artur "Paluch" Grassmann deserves a special mention; it's not easy playing highly technical bass and growling, let alone doing them at the same time. And doing it well, too. Would be very keen to see him do it live. Kudos to Andrzej "Andy" Pakos and Mariusz "Melon" Miernik, too, who both clearly have supreme talent in the Metal department. Despite the band's skill, I found this album rather hard to get into. I head-banged a bit and tapped my feet, but didn't feel inclined to listen to it over and over. Maybe I'm more of a social user of Grindcore, and not so much an addict.

Personally, I wouldn't call this album one of my faves, but if you're a Grindcore addict, then it'll do fine for your next fix. SQUASH BOWELS's efforts are commendable, but I prefer my bowels to be less squashed.  But each to their own. 

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Grindcoholism" Track-listing:

1. Tastelessness
2. Trap
3. The Theater
4. Surrender
5. The Second...
6. Inclinations to...
7. Grindcoholism
8. Steering
9. Naked Positive Act
10. La Mienta
11. Compassions
12. Litany Of Hungry
13. Foreign Will
14. Stigmatizing

Squash Bowels Lineup:

Andrzej "Andy" Pakos - Guitar
Artur "Paluch" Grassmann - Bass / Vocals
Mariusz "Melon" Miernik - Drums

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