To Find Deliverance


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: SPECIES; signed via Awakening Records, […]
By Craig Rider
November 17, 2022
Species - To Find Deliverance album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: SPECIES; signed via Awakening Records, hailing from Polish grounds - performing Thrash Metal, on their debut full-length studio album entitled: "To Find Deliverance" (released August 26th, 2022). Since formation in 2018; the trio in question have released an EP entitled: "The Monument Of Envy" (released May 31st, 2019), and their full-length debut studio album entitled: "To Find Deliverance" in their discography so far of which I am introduced to. 8 tracks ranging around 44:05; SPECIES arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Thrash Metal developments.

Opening up with this bizarre but synthetic soundscape; "Rare Signals'' starts off the record with this progressive technicality, until "Parasite" rumbles with the same static - until just what I'd expect from a Thrash Metal album comes into place with reverberating remedy that belts a clobbering foundation in borderline bounciness and boisterous barrage frenzies in blistering hooks amongst an amplified frolic on rampantly rompy adrenaline. Bulldozing eardrums with sturdy thuds & tight weightiness that punches through with wildly rushing sharpness on razor-revving rips that shred with sonically seamless grooves and hybrid grinds which slay with profusely robust synergy to boot. Piotr Drobina on vocals/bass shouts with uproarious soars on shouty yells & throaty raspyness, ramifying with bleeding gutturals amongst a grunty growl in which manifests with barking bestiality. His flickering bass audibility fabricate a thumpy rollick on killer laceration momentum that revels with snarly scours, organic substance & piledriving finesse in flamboyant firepower expertise that's most technical.

"Falls The Tower" forges a catchy aesthetic in extreme calamity; as experimental dexterity dynamically engages in a concretely gritty guitar flow from Michael Kepka, injecting an infectiously venomous volatility on monstrously meaty pandemonium & raw chugs in which monolithically gallop fluidly with persistently prodigious stridency. Vehement versatility utilizes some solid slabbiness which showcases tremolo raising sulfurity while distorted crescendo patterns raise high into a bludgeoning crunchiness of vigorous sound production maelstrom stability. "The Monument Of Fury" steamrolls with trailblazing viscerality; arming a brimming overdose on rambunctious drum hammerings from battering smacker Prezemyslaw Hampelshi, who slams the set with steely precision & stompy tempo while motoring rigor rivets with radically wicked yet flexibly fundamental archetypes in archaic instrumental rhythms that's very zealous.

Fervor driven impact impulses speakers with prestigiously towering perseverance on tactical rifts that portray with unique ruthlessness; where "Malfunction" relentlessly unleashes a berserking strife on rapidly swift nimbleness & quirky wackiness, outer panache best describes SPECIES so far. However, the songwriting musicianship salubriously provides with neat skill on talented potential that's most rocking. It's all just a bit idiosyncratic but all the meanwhile, searing with systematic yet unorthodox procedure that's still seething & virulent. "Thy Name Is Slaughter" articulates in an all guns blazing syndicate which fires all cylinders with vivacious density; surging with primitive rampages on stampeding rage that's rather vicious while outrageously... peculiar. The penultimate intrude "Deus" is just a short passage that's similar to the introductory opener; while the overall concluding banger "Ex Machina" excels with this 11:09 spectacle of Prog melody and harmonic acoustics all the while stimulating, just very indifferent for Thrash Metal.

Bottom line; I am compelled to say that SPECIES wasn't the MUNICIPAL WASTE I was expecting but intriguing and fascinating still with their signature soundwave of progressive tonality that's enjoyably entertaining which most definitely deserves discovering, a distinctively distinguished experience definitely awaits you with "To Find Deliverance" - do check it out should you fancy a creatively complex array in Thrash Metal domination.

7 / 10









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"To Find Deliverance" Track-listing:

1. Rare Signals
2. Parasite
3. Falls the Tower
4. The Monument of Envy
5. Malfunction
6. Thy Name is Slaughter
7. Deus
8. Ex Machina

Species Lineup:

Prezemyslaw Hampelshi - Drums
Michael Kepka - Guitar
Piotr Drobina - Vocals, Bass

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