Memories Of The Future

Space Mirrors

Eh, there is a picture of a guy in a knight's armor on the back […]
By Michael Dalakos
May 28, 2006
Space Mirrors - Memories Of The Future album cover

Eh, there is a picture of a guy in a knight's armor on the back side of the promo. I assume he is Metatron? I don't know what's sillier, the picture or the name. I just hope Optimus Prime never learns about this otherwise he and the rest of the Transformers will kick this guy's ass. What's next? A guy named Panthro and a girl named Chitara? It's good to feel 13 again.
Enough with the bitching. Space Mirrors is an international act formed by Alisa Coral (from Russia) and Michael Blackman (from Australia). The rest of the musicians are guest members. They have managed to release another album back in 2003 titled The Darker Side Of Art which featured Arjen Lucassen on two songs. I haven't heard that album so I can't make any comparisons.
Space Mirrors is one of those Prog Rock, Fusion, Jazz, semi-instrumental kind of bands that give me a headache over time whenever I stumble upon them. Still, I find this listening amusing most of the time. Definitely not the easiest music around to digest, yet the space feeling created by the dynamic duo (and the rest of the gang) is rather exciting. There's talent behind this band and my only objection is the lack of power sometimes. I just wanted this album to be a bit heavier than it is.
On the other hand there are tons of keyboards and special effects. I know that some of you probably freak out at this idea but trust me, we are not talking about a swamped in electronics kind of album. Maybe the band should also pay a little more attention to tempos - there's a natural flow in the listening but a bit more variation wouldn't hurt.
In conclusion, Space Mirrors is definitely an interesting case of a band. The road they have chosen is hard and light years away from what we call a trend today. Fans of the genre, check them out.

7 / 10


"Memories Of The Future" Track-listing:

Maya 'Last Flight' Ceremony
Creatures Of The Twilight
Travelling To The Core
Eternal Search
Death Inc.
Mysteries Of An Ancient Race
Feed The Serpent
The Prophecy Fulfilled
The Space Crusade
The Golden Path
Opa-Loka / Uncle Sam On Mars

Space Mirrors Lineup:

Alisa Coral - Keyboards, Synths, Solos, Drums, Bass & Vocals
Michael Blackman - Guitars, Bass & Drums
Metatron - Vocals
Amber - Vocals
Martin Litmus - Bass
Keith Knoveton - Monomoog Solo & Effects

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