Songs Of Steel

Souls of Steel

SOULS OF STEEL classes themselves as Heavy/Thrash Metal. Well, that is the right order, but I wouldn’t hesitate to add Power Metal to those qualifications. That is when you get the whole picture.
October 28, 2024

SOULS OF STEEL hail from El Salvador. As far as I know I have never reviewed a band from that country before. The band has opted not to let us know from which city they are. SOULS OF STEEL started playing music in 2021, and with “Songs Of Steel” they are releasing their debut album. I don’t even see a demo that was available for us as audience before. “Songs Of Steel” is brought to us by Wormhole Death, which is quite the reputable record company. When I see what the band classes themselves as Heavy/Thrash Metal. Well, that is the right order, but I wouldn’t hesitate to add Power Metal to those qualifications. That is when you get the whole picture.

That “Songs Of Steel” is a debut album becomes quite obvious when you are listening to the 51 minutes of music, they have been able to acquire in their three years of existence. It appears rather hesitant at times. There are also times when you get the feeling that some parts have been married together in an attempt to enhance the attraction/listenability/appeal of a song. Not everything flows as easy as with a band that has been together for a lot longer. It takes away a lot of the spontaneity that usually accompanies the first albums of a Thrash orientated band. SOULS OF STEEL have taken out some of the enthusiasm out of their music in order to write a coherent album. To me, that is a pity, as it deprives us as listeners the possibility to grow with them in due time. Now we are confronted with a mature album devoid of its crazy moments.

Before you get me wrong, “Songs Of Steel” is not a bad album. On the contrary, it has a lot of good traits and moments that will have you enjoying yourself. At first, I thought that this was going to be a cracking review, but the more I listened, the more I found there was something missing. However nice the songs might be. I just have the feeling that SOULS OF STEEL has opted to give us an album that is so grown up that we can’t help but like what we are hearing. Unfortunately that is not how it works. When you polish an album too much, you are wiping away the emotional elements that make it interesting. I’m afraid that SOULS OF STEEL have done that with “Songs Of Steel”.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Songs Of Steel" Track-listing:


1. Intro

2. Eternal One

3. Burning Love

4. No Man´s Land

5. Human Perversity

6. Neverending Machine

7. Trickster

8. The Debt

9. Last Gig

10. Legends Reborn

11. Rising Steel


Souls of Steel Lineup:


Benjamín (bass and second vocals)

Daniel (lead guitar)

Óscar Trujillo (drums)

Sebastián Lorenzana (lead vocals)


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