Destroy All Humans


Hey, this is definitely a cool one! METAL TEMPLE did not receive a promo copy […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
July 12, 2008
Soulitude - Destroy All Humans album cover

Hey, this is definitely a cool one! METAL TEMPLE did not receive a promo copy of this release because the second SOULITUDE album is absolutely free for downloading. Indeed, this one man band makes music for the shake of making music. This is why I said in the beginning that this is a cool one.
This guy, Jevo (a.k.a. Ignacio Garamendi), is the guitarist of a band called VALHALLA with whom has released four albums. So, during his free time from VALHALLA, Jevo writes music and actually has already released two albums under his name and the SOULITUDE debut The Crawlian Supremacy.
The first thing I noticed after completing my maiden audition was that it would almost impossible to label this one. Of course, this is not a bad thing (not always) because most of the times it means an original sound. Well, here we don't get that original sound but a pretty good blend of mostly Power Metal with some clever almost industrial finishing touches and some Thrash moments when it comes to the fast guitar riffs. Jevo has used his computer to the most bringing many different sounds to this his music that travels from one territory to another. Let me give you some examples to fully understand my saying; Alien Messiah enters the Power Metal air space with guitar driven melodic lines and up-tempo rhythm section while  Earthanasia comes with a mid tempo with distinct guitar melodies and an Epic feeling that is enhanced by minor orchestrations and clean yet powerful vocals. The electronic almost ambient groove in Turn Me Off breathes some industrial air in the style of my personal favorite PAIN and Destroy All Humans (what a cool title) gets more aggressive with shredding riffs and almost Black Metal vocals.
I know that my description seems a little bit confusing; I can say that listening to Destroy All Humans I got the impression that I was constantly changing radio stations that all belong to the Metal scene. This album is worth listening to and taking into account that it comes free I cannot think of a reason why you should not click on the band's link to get it. I won't rate this one to let you make your own judgement. Enjoy!

"Destroy All Humans" Track-listing:

Ad Astra
Alien Messiah
The Wormhole
Turn Me Off
Destroy All Humans
Gospel Of Judas
The Cube
Clones Of Mediocrity
New World Order
10,000 Years Ago
Born In America
Lion's Pride

Soulitude Lineup:

Jevo - Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Synth & Keyboards

Guest musicians:
Jowy - Vocals
Lorenzo Mutiozabal - Vocals
Ibon Jordan - Drums

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