We Have Proven Death

From Bandcamp, "SOMNIATE brings you a story from a world where the sun shines a different colour every day - a world about which nobody is sure whether it ended for good or was born anew. A quiet community, undisturbed by the former matters of modern man, thriving in nature yet in the shadow of an old civilization. A city once swallowed by the apocalypse. Unconditional happiness or insanity? Peace or lethargy? Stillness or death? There are men who revel in love and compassion, and there are those who drink the bodies of the dead. Their paths are bound to collide." The album has six songs.
"I Am Here and You Are Distant" is the first. Tense tones open the album, slowly and eerily. It marinates for a minute or two before the real sound enters, boldly, and aggressively. The dissonant tones of the music hint at the latter features of the opening questions and statements. Seguing into track two, titled "A Lamb at False Dawn," the opening sounds are hard accents with eerie leads behind them. The vocal are horrid utterings and vivid screams, again on the side of those who drink the bodies of the dead. Most of the tones speak of the mystery of this place, and perhaps, it dark secrets.
"The Statue of Mirrors" has absolutely harrowing tones that leave no doubt as to the aforementioned secrets. They are drenched in betrayal, and murder. The aggressive notes in the drums, guitars, and vocals reflect these feelings well. "Black Soundless Sugar" relaxes these heightened feelings a bit, but the tension is still there. Smooth, but devious tones sprinkle in the opening, followed by a darker riff with meaty bass notes. A slow, heavy aggression comes in from there. "Non-You" has a more hateful and angry Black Metal sound. Poison spews from the vocals, and death rays from the riffs. The entire song is shrouded in darkness...the kind that you parents told you to be afraid of.
"We Have Proven Death" closes the album. It leaves no mistake as to the nature of the commune. The super-fast nature of the music combined with the aggression showcases the dark side of human nature. Even in a post-apocalypse, man is man, and man's need to control others is still very present. In the end, everything ends bloody. Can you say that you are surprised at this? The little community will all die out, and its secrets stay buried with it. God help you if anyone discovers it in the future.Purchase Link:
8 / 10
"We Have Proven Death" Track-listing:
1. I Am Here and You Are Distant
2. A Lamb at False Dawn
3. The Statue of Mirrors
4. Black Soundless Sugar
5. Non-You
6. We Have Proved Death
Somniate Lineup:
Zdeněk Klekner - Vocals, Programming, Mouth Harp
Marek Štembera - Vocals, Guitars
Aleš Vilingr - Guitars
Adam Kulich - Bass
Tomáš Mařík - Drums
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