The Undying Season
Solium Fatalis
May 25, 2015

SOLIUM FATALIS call themselves advocates of "Extreme Metal", and it's easy to see why they've chosen that particular title. Every track contains vocals that sound like they've been spewed from the depths of Hell itself, and for want of a better word, every song pushes itself to the extreme. While this is mostly meant as a compliment, it also is the reason why some may be turned off by the album. Because every song aims to go as far as possible sonically, the tracks spend little time building up to that point, often instead launching straight into the loudest, angriest parts. This means that the record occasionally becomes repetitive, as the songs begin and follow a similar pattern each time. There are exceptions to this, as some songs contain parts that break things up a bit. The guitar solo in "Corporeal Form" achieves this, as well as the slow outro to "An Asylum Or Penitence" and the introduction to the first track, "To Deliver Us All". Flo Mounier should be praised for some wonderful drums throughout the whole album, with "Paths To Obliteration" sticking out in particular as a good example. While the album as a whole contains constant, well-timed pummeling drums, here especially they are clearly fantastic. In "Salient", they manage to create a fairly slow rhythm to the song while maintaining a lightning fast tempo with the guitars and vocals. The outro to this song is one of the highlights of the album too, being one of only a few examples where the music builds up to a point before being released. Metal fans who prefer more chilled, methodical styles of music are unlikely to be converted by this release, but those who are veterans to all things Extreme will no doubt find solace in what is presented here. While the vocals are sometimes overused and repetitive, the drums and guitars more than make up for it, and the end product is something worth hearing a slice of, at the very least.
6 / 10
Had Potential

"The Undying Season" Track-listing:
1. To Deliver Us All (Feat. Chris Donaldson)
2. Salient (Feat. Toby Knapp)
3. Monolith of Internecion
4. An Asylum For Penitence
5. Corporeal Form
6. Contagion (Feat. Chris Donaldson)
7. Paths To Obliteration
8. Corruptor
9. The Undying Season
Solium Fatalis Lineup:
Jeff DeMarco - Vocals
Jim Gregory - Guitars
Ehren Hill - Guitars
Olivier Pinard - Bass
Flo Mounier - Drums
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