Inevitable Collapse In The Presence Of Conviction

Soilent Green

I had heard of the name SOILENT GREEN, but I never had the chance to […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
April 15, 2008
Soilent Green - Inevitable Collapse In The Presence Of Conviction album cover

I had heard of the name SOILENT GREEN, but I never had the chance to listen to any releases from this band. This is their brand new album and I hope that my first contact with their music will be good enough to make me regret the fact that I haven't spent any time with them all these years. Can Inevitable Collapse In The Presence Of Conviction (phew, long title...) make my day? We'll see about that.

Even though I just was familiar with the name SOILENT GREEN, the band exists since 1988. I spent some time listening to their earlier works before I spend some time with this album. The fact that this band features some great and well known musicians was a major factor in making me believe that SOILENT GREEN would definitely kick me in the face for missing their music for so many years. Just for your information, the only remaining former member is Brian Patton.

The band had to go through some really hard times the last years, since two ex members are now dead due to different reasons. Vocalist Glenn Rambo (one of the three former members) died in the hurricane Katrina in 2005, while bassist Scott Williams was murdered in 2004. As if those weren't enough, Falgoust had some problems with his health, but he managed to return stronger than ever, having one more Metal chariot, the well known GOATWHORE.

So, Inevitable Collapse In The Presence Of Conviction is an album that is unfortunately much weaker than its predecessors. A Deleted Symphony For The Beaten Down (2001) took the band to another level, while Confrontation was good enough to keep them there. The band's new full-length work is not what I expected. Those who know the band, surely know what to expect regarding the music, but for those who don't know anything about SOILENT GREEN, these guys play a mixture of Death Metal with some Sludge breaks. It is natural since members of bands like EYEHATEGOD, GOATWHORE and CROWBAR join their forces.

The bad thing is that there were only a few moments that I would be totally focused on the album. The riffing is common, while Falgoust's vocals are exactly the same with what he does in GOATWHORE. The music is something like a mixture between the above mentioned bands, but it is not as good as it seems it is. It is always nice mixing different elements and SOILENT GREEN have definitely created something interesting (they proved it with their career until now), but their new album is not something that would make me spend my money. It is not mediocre as a whole, but it is definitely mediocre compared to what the band has released until now. Oh, by the way. The album has been mixed by Erik Rutan (HATE ETERNAL, ex-MORBID ANGEL) and he has definitely done a great job. Anyway, I believe that if you are looking for this insane Death/Grind/Sludge thing-ie, prefer CEPHALIC CARNAGE's latest album, it kicks major ass!

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Inevitable Collapse In The Presence Of Conviction" Track-listing:

Mental Acupuncture
Blessed In The Arms Of Servitude
In The Same Breath
Rock Paper Scissors
Superstition Aimed At One's Skull
For Lack Of Perfect Words
When All Roads Lead To Rome
All This Good Intention Wasted In The Wake Of Apathy
A Pale Horse And The Story Of The End

Soilent Green Lineup:

Ben Falgoust - Vocals
Brian Patton - Guitar
Scott Crochet - Bass
Tommy Buckley - Drums

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