Loud And Clear


Lion Music is mostly known for its melodic/guitar-driven/AOR roster. Yet, this release comes from a […]
By Grigoris Chronis
January 17, 2005
Smeer - Loud And Clear album cover

Lion Music is mostly known for its melodic/guitar-driven/AOR roster. Yet, this release comes from a band with a sound that can be defined as out of the label's basic style. Smeer come from Canada and consist of four members, having released so far two EPs and two full albums. The band is on the modern/alternative/post-grunge side, so not much will be mentioned here (won't see many that would care 'bout that).
Loud And Clear has a very good production, with all instruments sounding equal. It contains a set of simple modern Rock songs, some of them with an attitude, presenting a band that would like to be a part of the Seattle wave 10-12 years ago. You can hear Pearl Jam (the voice), you will notice Alice In Chains (guitar riff works), touches of bands like Nickleback are visible and - overall - you'll feel the Nirvana aura while listening to this CD. Nothing bad, maybe with more catchy tunes the band will have the chance to score some hit on their next release. Still, it seems that the compositions aren't that written to bring the band in the desired level.
Smeer is proper for the followers of this kind of modern rock. They have the fonts, they'll gain the experience; if you 're into their style - as mentioned above - and have the potential to purchase Loud And Clear you can try it. Maybe you won't be displeased, who knows. But, if you're a Hard Rock or Metal fan you just have to STAY AWAY...

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Loud And Clear" Track-listing:

What Else Can I Do   
Your Time   
Flying Blind   
My World   

Smeer Lineup:


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