Zobena Dziesma (Sword Song)


This is a completely different story here. SKYFORGER did contact us in order to send […]
By Grigoris Chronis
May 6, 2008
Skyforger - Zobena Dziesma (Sword Song) album cover

This is a completely different story here. SKYFORGER did contact us in order to send their 2003's Zobena Dziesma CD re-release promo album for a review and we were more than happy to accept since there's a specific blend in the Pagan/Folk Metal sounds lurking amongst the trees, rivers and skies that (should) benefit us by traveling away from the daily routine, running to the hands of nature, tradition and moral values.
'SKYFORGER' is a great name, isn't it? And rather to-the-point for the Riga, Latvia band's music, too. Dealing with historical battles and traditions, Latvia's past and 'epic' mythology, the quintet exists since 1995 and were in Folter Records' roster a couple of years ago. With four full-length CDs and a compilation album in the last ten years playing in a more 'acoustic' version of IN EXTREMO, FALKENBACH or ULVER, SKYFORGER has reached a respectable status in Latvian society, being nominated for their country's Music awards in 2004, while applicable here is...
...the Zobena Dziesma CD, herein reviewed, which originally came out in 2003 as a collaboration of SKYFORGER and the Latvian Culture Capital foundation, consisting of merely folk songs (no 'rock' instruments). Being re-released presently with two bonus tracks, the two last ones in the tracklist above, Zobena Dziesma (translated as Sword Song) presents the folklore of their lands in a pure acoustic blend. Choirs, acoustic guitar chords, suitable percussion, pipes and other 'folk' instruments and - to sum it up - a wonderful 'pagan/folk' atmosphere that will easily trap your brain/soul to endless skies and mist-less nature.
There's also some female vocals here and there, but not some renaissance or 'goth' vibe at all. Those familiar with traditions of (any of) their countries' villages will probably do some comparisons. Vocals are the main theme of each song, with singing carrying along with narrations and poetic chants. The Latvian language is completely 'alien' to my ears, but - at the bottom line - there was not a single moment I got tired; besides, the atmosphere ends being more than memorable.
Zobena Dziesma is a 'must' for everyone keen on folk/pagan/epic/medieval Metal stuff. Miles away from being a 'Metal' album, it will definitely leave you with your mouth open wide, due to its tidy production, 'traveling' music and tranquil sound. Do not pass by, do not.
P.S. 1: Liner notes from the album booklet: Most of the songs you can hear on this recording are taken from the repertoire of well known local Folk groups. Others are reworked versions of material from our previous albums. Our passion is to play olden songs of the war and mythology of our forefathers. In that respect, this album is no different from those we have recorded in the past. It is our tribute to ancient Latvian history, culture and folklore.
P.S. 2: The band will be on tour across Europe this summer. Don't miss the chance!

8 / 10


"Zobena Dziesma (Sword Song)" Track-listing:

Long I Heard, Now I See
Sword Song
P?rkons Brought The Bride
Ready To Be A Warrior
Around The Hill I Went
Prussian Maid Rides To War
P?rkons Thundered As He Left
A Silver River Flows
Oh Fog, Oh Dew
The Horses Neighed
Where Will You Ride, Brother ?
Neighed The Battle Horses
When The Sun Was Rising
?si?š Rides Over The Hill (bonus)
A Crested Bird Sings (bonus)

Skyforger Lineup:

Peter - Vocals, Guitars, Folk Instruments, Warrior Voices
Zirgs - Bass, Backing Vocals, Folk Instruments, Warrior Voices
Rihards - Guitars, Kokle, Synth, Warrior Voices
Mazais - Drums & Percussion
Kaspars - Folk Instruments, Warrior Voices

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