Dermal Harvest


The harvesting of crops of dead bodies to be thrown into the foul mud holes […]
January 14, 2013
Skineater - Dermal Harvest album cover

The harvesting of crops of dead bodies to be thrown into the foul mud holes of evermore has officially began. No more forgiveness, it is time to get seriously gory, butchering the wicked and skinning the rabid blockheads piece by piece. Talk about some scary shit, but the grotesquery theme might be useful mean in this horrid case of an unknown method of punishment, but when it came to being musically inspired, it wasn't near being obnoxious. So here I present to you another supergroup in our midst, because we had a shortage of those, this is the Swedish Grind / Death Metal band SKINEATER, consisting of members of several predominant groups of the local scene as DARK FUNERAL, CARNAL FORGE, IN THY DREAMS and DEFLESHED amongst others. With the history of this local scene as being one of the strongest influencers on Death Metal music, without discouraging the Americans by any means, SKINEATER are the prolongation of the early 90s yet even more furious and deranged, especially with the band's prodigious musicianship level, following old sicko archetypes as CANNIBAL CORPSE, CARNAL FORGE, DEATH, SINISTER and BLOODBATH. With their debut album "Dermal Harvest", via Pulverised Records, they did the honours for old school Death Metal without be dreaded upon grinding things up without turning their scalps much into Crust.

"Dermal Harvest" might have started and ended with a steadfast punching blow to the head massed by the band's incredible undefined burning speed, but the music embraced plenty of content that substantiated why this band of veterans can be distinguished as a super group. The guys of SKINEATER didn't just play their provocations so they would be looked upon as a bunch of psychos; they showed their worth by diverting their material into various of places. Throughout the entire release this main and leading aspect had been a basis for my curiosity, and in general I was very impressed with the turnout. SKINEATER has that developed techy orientation, notably brutal Death Metal onslaught, chugged riffing, which entailed some of the most battering and intense solo action I have ever heard in this kind of punitive music (not even in melodic Death Metal), memorable lead guitar licks and melodies that wouldn't have put some of the old champions of the Gothenburg Death Metal to shame, low tone guttural growls but still clear enough to comprehend the morbid lyricism, and a few odd time signatures clouts along with bone crushing drumming. On the other hand, there were a few reappearances of drum rhythms, in particular those accompanied by the insanely fast paced base drum smothering, but all in all, SKINEATER manifested great technical abilities while remembering to keep check on the songs' flow.

When I first began listening I was more or less complacent about what I listened to. I enjoyed the fine bloody arts of "He Was Murdered", a total ripper with great melodic lines, and "Your Life Is Mine" that eroded like being knocked by chunks of dead flesh but in rapid promptness. Yet only from "Stab" right until the gory ending of "Solitude Discord" I came to admire this album even more. Such creativity in Death Metal music just can be denied. "Thousand Dead Faces" provided intensified riffing as ordered by the old school guard and again fast paced combustions but with a great mid tempo awareness. Furthermore, I just couldn't let go of the great harmonics and melodies. "Bring Them", the album's harmonious tracks, displaying a great old IN FLAMES, CEREMONIAL OATH, DARK TRANQUILLITY type of melodic lines, also accorded a series of smashing lead fretwork that drove me senselessly. I also enjoyed the aggressiveness of the rhythm guitars and once again amazed by the drumming that drove hard, swiftly into the shores of hell. Stopping right here in order not to spoil your fun, I will sum this up. "Dermal Harvest" is an astounding release; it will render you unconsciousness with its speeding and massive trill picking action, amazing lead guitar work both on the licks and soloing, awesome low toned snarls and growls, suitable production in a good quality. Yes there are repetitions here and there but those won't disintegrate the fun for most of you.

8 / 10


"Dermal Harvest" Track-listing:

1. He Was Murdered
2. Dismantling
3. Your Life Is Mine
4. Made Of Godsick
5. Through The Empire
6. Stab
7. Drifting
8. Thousand Dead Faces
9. Bring Them
10. Solitude Discord 

Skineater Lineup:

Stefan Westerberg-Bass
Matte Modin-Drums
Håkan Stuvemark-Guitars
Kari Kainulainen-Lead Guitars
Jörgen Ström-Vocals

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