Landscapes Of Disease And Decadence


Band names like CREST OF DARKNESS, ENTHRAL and THE FLESH surely ring a bell to […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
February 22, 2008
Sjodogg - Landscapes Of Disease And Decadence album cover

Band names like CREST OF DARKNESS, ENTHRAL and THE FLESH surely ring a bell to most of the Black Metal fans out there. SJODOGG is a band that comprises from members of the above-mentioned bands and if you had the same thought that I had, SJODOGG play pure Black Metal. Do not expect keys, stupid melodies and female vocals. The only thing that this band will give you is raw and uncompromising... boredom!

As the band's bio says, SJODOGG were formed with only one purpose, to create dark music with an emphasis on atmosphere and groove. The band's new album Landscapes Of Disease And Decadence may fulfill SJODOGG's one and only purpose, but in my humble opinion, the blacksters have forgot to add some originality and excitement into the whole mix.

Just think of what I will say to you. This album consists of approximately 46 minutes of old school Black Metal music, and I managed to stick to only one song (Sentinels Of The Severed Flesh), which was the only one that attracted my attention! If the rest of the album was like that, we would have to deal with an ass kicking Black Metal release! The fact is that SJODOGG confirm my opinion on the current state of the once glorious Osmose Productions with an uninspired album full of mediocre songs and a shitty production.

Only the singer's great vocals try to save the day, but this guy can't do anything alone, without having some decent compositions to help him stand. My opinion is that Landscapes Of Disease And Decadence doesn't worth your (and my) money. There are definitely much better albums for you to buy out there.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Landscapes Of Disease And Decadence" Track-listing:

A Song Of Plague
Inglorious Fever Of Antonius
Brethren Of The Weeping Corpses
The Asphyxiation
Sentinels Of The Severed Flesh
Kiss Of The Blowfly

Sjodogg Lineup:

Vulnus - Vocals
Dracunculus - Guitar
Tetrapus - Bass
Hordeolum - Drums

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