Beggar’s Hill
Six Foot Six

There are always people thinking that what was left in the past can’t be updated and must stay as it is. The arguments are always laying on argumentum ad hominem (the argument of offense, a fallacy when you’re dealing the defense of a hypothesis, offending the person who proposes it than using arguments against the hypothesis. A fine example is saying something as ‘Marx was a vagabond that lived off his wife’ to avoid ideas that could proof his ideas aren’t true). On the other hand, if one observes reality as they are, this one will see and hear that updates can be a very good thing. And one more proof that updates can create very good music is heard on “Beggar’s Hill”, the latest full-length of Swedish band SIX FOOT SIX.
Kristoffer Göbel (the band’s guitarist/vocalist) and Christoffer Borg (another band’s member, the other guitarist) are the producers, with Christoffer doing the mixing as well. The result is a modern and defined sonority of the album, with weight and melodies being heard in equal proportions. And the cover created by Frode Hovde is really excellent, with the band’s mascot (it’s the second time it appears on an album cover of the band, so it can be one of their personal marks) traces working on such simple colors’ contrast. The third full-length of the band is a personal mix between a melodic Heavy Metal in the same vein of NWOBHM with traces of Hard Rock and Power Metal, but with a modern appeal that gives their songs energy and a new life. Their work is filled with excellent melodies, catchy choruses (try to listen and not sing along on moments as “Tears”), but always based on weighty instrumental arrangements, and strong vocals and backing vocals. It’s an old formula, but on the hands of these guys, things gain a new life, and it’s impossible to resist to it! And impossible means IMPOSSIBLE!
“Beggar’s Hill”, as the third album of great names (if they’re not such thing by now, they’ll be for sure), offers a balanced and almost perfect set of songs. But for s first ride on it, start with “Raise the Dead” (a heavier song with tons of energy flowing from it, with excellent guitar riffs and leads), “Tears” (a song with a more accessible appeal, even with such heavy weight, and what great chorus with vocals and backing vocals with a great performance), “Voices Inside” (excellent arrangements on the chords can be heard, without tearing down the melodic appeal, with contrasts between introspective moments and a hooking chorus), “Beggar’s Hill” (another excellent set of melodies can be heard, all laying on a heavy and strong rhythmic work of bass guitar and drums), “Analog Man” (a modern and thunderous Heavy Metal song plenty of melodic hooks, with very good vocals and backing vocals during the chorus), “Riding the Tide” (a set of NWOBHM-like guitars arrangements can be heard on this one, and what lovely melodies are heard on it), “Fires Will Burn” (a touch of old ACCEPT can be heard on some arrangements), and… Well, if you’re not lazy, take time and hear to “The Prodigy”, “The Siege” (an introspective and Folk-like ballad) and “The Homecoming” (all these one are parts of a suit called “A Templar’s Tale”), along with “Pete MacOats” (another moment with Folk touches) and “Equinox” as well. You’ll not regret the experience.
“Beggar’s Hill” marks a turn on the career of SIX FOOT SIX, because now, the tendency is to grow and reach a broader set of fans. And what in the blazes are you expecting to dive into it and enjoy? And by the way: it’s always a great pleasure to hear a work where Snowy Shaw is playing (he is the session drummer on the album)!
10 / 10

"Beggar’s Hill" Track-listing:
- Raise the Dead
- Tears
- Voices Inside
- Beggar’s Hill
- Analog Man
- Riding the Tide
- Fires Will Burn
- The Prodigy (A Templar’s Tale Pt. 1)
- The Siege (A Templar’s Tale Pt. 2)
- The Homecoming (A Templar’s Tale Pt. 3)
- Pete MacOats
- Equinox
Six Foot Six Lineup:
Kristoffer Göbel - Vocals, Guitars
Christoffer Borg - Guitars
Markus Gustafsson - Bass
Snowy Shaw - Drums (session)
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